VarGroup Info
Variable Group Information
WRAP | Release 5
SRH (Self-Report Habit Index) 180
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at baseline.
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at 2 years.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at 3 months.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at baseline.
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at baseline. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree