InterventionUse (Intervention use) 89
BI frequency of use
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How frequently did you use the information from the BHF booklet to help you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 1 year.
BI frequency of use
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How frequently did you use the information from the BHF booklet to help you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 2 years.
BI frequency of use
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How frequently did you use the information from the BHF booklet to help you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 3 months.
BI usefulness
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful did you find the BHF booklet for helping you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = not at all useful to 7 = extremely useful
BI usefulness
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful did you find the BHF booklet for helping you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 2 years. Range: 1 = not at all useful to 7 = extremely useful
BI usefulness
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful did you find the BHF booklet for helping you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 3 months. Range: 1 = not at all useful to 7 = extremely useful
BI experience
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of the self-help programme. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 1 year.
BI experience
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of the self-help programme. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 2 years.
BI experience
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of the self-help programme. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 3 months.
BI useful: behaviour
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: behaviour
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: behaviour
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: nutrition info
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: nutrition info
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: nutrition info
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: meal ideas
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Meal ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: meal ideas
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Meal ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: meal ideas
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Meal ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: other
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: other
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): C4304 NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: other
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: other type
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful part of the booklet.
BI useful: other type
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful part of the booklet.
BI useful: other type
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful part of the booklet.
BI useful: plan
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Creating an Eating Plan. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: plan
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Creating an Eating Plan. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: plan
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Creating an Eating Plan. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: portions
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: portions
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: portions
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: tracking
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change using the progress chart. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: tracking
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change using the progress chart. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: tracking
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change using the progress chart. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
weight loss recall
Satisfaction with Outcomes questionnaire: Please think back to the weight-loss programme that you took part in five years ago. Can you recall how much weight you had lost at the end of the programme?
satisfaction with weight loss
Satisfaction with Outcomes questionnaire: How satisfied were you with the amount of weight you lost at the end of the programme? Range: 1 = very dissatisfied to 7 = very satisfied
WW attendance 1st session group
Number of classes attended in first set of Weight Watchers sessions (first 3 months).
WW attendance 2nd session group
Number of classes attended in second set of Weight Watchers sessions (months 4-6).
WW attendance 3rd session group
Number of classes attended in third set of Weight Watchers sessions (months 7-9).
WW attendance 4th session group
Number of classes attended in fourth set of Weight Watchers sessions (months 10-12).
WW attendance 5th session group
Number of classes attended in fifth set of Weight Watchers sessions (some participants issued a 5th set of vouchers as long as this would not take them over 52 sessions).
WW experience
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of attending WW. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 1 year.
WW experience
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of attending WW. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 2 years.
WW experience
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of attending WW. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 3 months.
WW app use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers mobile phone app? Reported at 1 year.
WW app use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers mobile phone app? Reported at 2 years.
WW app use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers mobile phone app? Reported at 3 months.
WW start date 1st session group
Start date of first set of Weight Watchers sessions.
WW start date 2nd session group
Start date of second set of Weight Watchers sessions.
WW start date 3rd session group
Start date of third set of Weight Watchers sessions.
WW start date 4th session group
Start date of fourth set of Weight Watchers sessions.
WW start date 5th session group
Start date of fifth set of Weight Watchers sessions.
WW frequency of use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers e-tools/online resources? Reported at 1 year.
WW frequency of use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers e-tools/online resources? Reported at 2 years.
WW frequency of use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers e-tools/online resources? Reported at 3 months.
WW useful: group support
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Group support. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: group support
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Group support. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: group support
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Group support. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: behaviour
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: behaviour
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: behaviour
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: nutrition info
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: nutrition info
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: nutrition info
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: meal ideas
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Meal Ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: meal ideas
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Meal Ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: meal ideas
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Meal Ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: other
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: other
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: other
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: other type
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful component.
WW useful: other type
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful component.
WW useful: other type
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful component.
WW useful: points
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Using the Points ssytem to monitor what you eat. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: points
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Using the Points ssytem to monitor what you eat. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: points
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Using the Points ssytem to monitor what you eat. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: portions
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: portions
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: portions
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: tracking
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: tracking
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: tracking
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: weigh-in
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Weekly weigh in. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: weigh-in
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Weekly weigh in. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 2 years. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: weigh-in
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Weekly weigh in. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 3 months. X = box crossed or ticked