FollowUp5y (5y follow-up measures) 604
taking anti-depressants
Taking anti-depressant medication(s) at 5 years.
DM status from bloods
Diabetes Status according to blood samples taken at study clinic visit. If blood taken and not diabetic = 0; if hbA1c or glucose in diabetic range = 1. Measured at 5 years.
DM status from bloods inc GP
Diabetes Status according to blood samples taken at study clinic visit or in GP notes. If blood taken and not diabetic = 0; if hbA1c or glucose in diabetic range = 1. Measured at 5 years.
taking antihypertensives
Taking medication(s) for high blood pressure at 5 years.
Body Mass Index calculated by study staff at 5 years, data cleaned by MRC Epi anthropology team
diastolic BP GP records
Diastolic blood pressure from GP records at 5 years
total cholesterol GP resords
Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) from GP records at 5 years
diastolic BP measure 1
1st Diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
diastolic BP measure 2
2nd Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
diastolic BP measure 3
3rd Diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
diastolic BP average
Average diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
diabetes status GP records
Diabetes status according to GP records at 5 years.
diabetes status self-report
Diabetes status according to self-report at 5 years.
EQ5D anxiety/depression
EQ-5D-3L: Level of anxiety/depression. Measured at 5 years.
EQ5D health state
EQ-5D-3L: Participants own health state today. Measured at 5 years. Range: 0 = Worst imaginable health state to 100 = Best imaginable health state
EQ5D pain/discomfort
EQ-5D-3L: Level of pain/discomfort. Measured at 5 years.
EQ5D usual activities
EQ-5D-3L: Usual Activities (eg. Work, study, housework, family or leisure activities). Measured at 5 years.
Expected day of 5 year visit
Expected day of 5 year visit (baseline + 5 years)
Fat mass kg
Fat mass in kg measured by study staff at 5 years, data cleaned by MRC Epi anthropology team
Date of amputation in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
amputation notes
Notes relating to amputation in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
amputation y/n
Experienced amputation in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
CABG date
Notes relating to bypass (CABG) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
CABG notes
Date of bypass (CABG) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
CABG y/n
Experienced bypass (CABG) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
counsellor visits - GP records
Number of visits to counsellor during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
dietician visits - GP records
Number of visits to dietitian during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
GP visits - GP records
Number of visits to general practitioner during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
haemorrhagic stroke date
Date of haemorrhagic stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
haemorrhagic stroke y/n
Experienced haemorrhagic stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
HCA visits - GP records
Number of visits to health care assistant / phlebotomist during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
other invasive cardio proc date
Date of other invasive cardiovascular procedure in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
other invasive cardio proc notes
Notes relating to other invasive cardiovascular procedure in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
other invasive cardio proc y/n
Experienced other invasive cardiovascular procedure in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
peripheral vasc proc date
Date of other invasive peripheral vascular procedure in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
peripheral vasc proc notes
Notes relating to other invasive peripheral vascular procedure in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
peripheral vasc proc y/n
Experienced other invasive peripheral vascular procedure in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
ischaemic stroke date
Date of ischaemic stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
ischaemic stroke notes
Notes relating to ischaemic stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
ischaemic stroke y/n
Experienced ischaemic stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity bypass date
Date of lower extremity bypass surgery in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity bypass y/n
Experienced lower extremity bypass surgery in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity PTA attempt date
Date of attempt at lower extremity PTA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity PTA attempt y/n
Experienced attempt at lower extremity PTA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity PTA date
Date of lower extremity PTA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity PTA notes
Notes relating to lower extremity PTA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
lower extremity PTA y/n
Experienced lower extremity PTA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
acute MI date
Date of acute MI in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
acute MI notes
Notes relating to acute MI in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
acute MI y/n
Experienced acute MI in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
neck bypass date
Date of neck bypass surgery in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
neck bypass y/n
Experienced neck bypass surgery in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
nurse visits - GP records
Number of visits to general practice nurse during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
cancer other date
Date of other type of cancer (i.e. not skin) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
cancer other notes
Notes relating to other type of cancer (i.e. not skin) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
cancer other y/n
Experienced other type of cancer (i.e. not skin) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
stroke other date
Date of other / unclassifiable stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
stroke other notes
Notes relating to other / unclassifiable stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
stroke other y/n
Experienced other / unclassifiable stroke in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
other healthcare - GP notes
Number of visits to other healthcare professional during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
PCI attempt date
Date of attempt at PCI/PTCA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
PCI attempt y/n
Experienced attempt at PCI/PTCA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
PCI date
Date of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (including PTCA) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
PCI notes
Notes relating to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (including PTCA) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
PCI y/n
Experienced percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (including PTCA) in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
physio visits - GP notes
Number of visits to physiotherapist during the past 3 years since the last WRAP visit, taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
cancer skin date
Date of skin cancer in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
cancer skin notes
Notes relating to skin cancer in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
cancer skin y/n
Experienced skin cancer in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
thrombectomy date
Date of thromboendarterectomy / thrombectomy in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
thrombectomy y/n
Experienced thromboendarterectomy / thrombectomy in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
TIA date
Date of TIA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
TIA notes
Notes relating to TIA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
TIA y/n
Experienced TIA in the 3 years since 2-year follow-up. Taken from GP notes review at 5yr follow-up.
HADS anxiety score
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: HADS score for the anxiety subscale. Score calculated where at least half the questions have been answered with the mean of the answered questions scaled up for the missing answers... Measured at 5 years.
HADS at ease
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I can sit at ease and feel relaxed. Measured at 5 years.
HADS butterflies
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I get a sort of frightened feeling like butterflies in the stomach. Measured at 5 years.
HADS cheerful
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel cheerful. Measured at 5 years.
HADS depression score
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: HADS score for the depression subscale. Score calculated where at least half the questions have been answered with the mean of the answered questions scaled up for the missing answers... Measured at 5 years.
HADS enjoy book radio TV
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I can enjoy a good book or radio or TV programme. Measured at 5 years.
HADS enjoy used to
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I still enjoy the things I used to enjoy. Measured at 5 years.
HADS frightened feeling
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I get a sort of frightened feeling as if something awful is about to happen. Measured at 5 years.
HADS funny side
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I can laugh and see the funny side of things. Measured at 5 years.
HADS look forward
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I look forward with enjoyment to things. Measured at 5 years.
HADS lost interest
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I have lost interest in my appearance. Measured at 5 years.
HADS overall score
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: HADS overall score. Score calculated where the anxiety and depression subscales are both complete enough to be scored.. Measured at 5 years.
HADS restless
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel restless as if I have to be on the move. Measured at 5 years.
HADS slowed down
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel as if I am slowed down. Measured at 5 years.
HADS panic
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I get sudden feelings of panic. Measured at 5 years.
HADS tense
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel tense or wound up. Measured at 5 years.
HADS worrying thoughts
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: Worrying thoughts go through my mind. Measured at 5 years.
DM status ADA criteria HbA1c
Diabetes status according to HbA1c cut offs using ADA criteria. Measured at 5 years.
DM status WHO criteria HbA1c
Diabetes status according to HbA1c cut offs using WHO 2011 criteria. Measured at 5 years.
counsellor clinic visits
Number of appointments with a counsellor in the clinic in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
counsellor home visits
Number of appointments with a counsellor at home in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
counsellor phone calls
Number of appointments with a counsellor on the phone in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
dietician clinic visits
Number of appointments with a dietician in the clinic in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
dietician home visits
Number of appointments with a dietician at home in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
dietician phone calls
Number of appointments with a dietician on the phone in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
health visitor clinic visits
Number of appointments with a health visitor in the clinic in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
health visitor home visits
Number of appointments with a health visitor at home in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
health visitor phone calls
Number of appointments with a health visitor on the phone in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 10. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 10. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 10. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 10 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 10 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 10 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 10 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 11. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 11. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 11. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 11 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 11 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 11 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 11 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 12. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 12. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 12. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 12 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 12 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 12 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 12 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 13. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 13. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 13. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 13 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 13 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 13 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 13 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 14. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 14. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 14. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 14 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 14 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 14 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 14 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 15. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 15. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 15. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 15 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 15 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 15 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 15 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 16. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 16. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 16. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 16 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 16 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 16 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 16 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 17. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 17. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 17. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 17 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 17 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 17 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 17 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 18. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 18. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 18. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 18 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 18 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 18 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 18 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 19. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 19. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 19. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 19 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 19 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 19 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 19 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 1. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 1. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 1. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 1 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 1 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 1 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 1 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 20. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 20. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 20. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 20 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 20 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 20 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 20 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 21. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 21. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 21. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 21 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 21 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 21 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 21 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 22. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 22. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 22. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 22 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 22 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 22 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 22 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 23. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 23. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 23. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 23 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 23 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 23 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 23 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 24. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 24. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 24. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 24 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 24 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 24 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 24 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 25. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 25. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 25. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 25 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 25 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 25 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 25 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 26. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 26. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 26. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 26 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 26 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 26 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 26 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 27. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 27. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 27. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 27 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 27 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 27 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 27 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 28. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 28. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 28. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 28 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 28 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 28 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 28 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 29. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 29. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 29. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 29 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 29 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 29 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 29 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 2. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 2. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 2. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 2 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 2 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 2 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 2 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 30. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 30. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 30. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 30 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 30 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 30 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 30 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 31. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 31. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 31. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 31 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 31 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 31 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 31 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 32. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 32. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 32. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 32 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 32 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 32 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 32 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 33. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 33. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 33. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 33 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 33 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 33 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 33 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 34. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 34. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 34. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 34 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 34 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 34 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 34 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 35. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 35. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 35. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 35 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 35 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 35 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 35 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 36. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 36. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 36. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 36 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 36 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 36 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 36 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 3. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 3. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 3. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 3 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 3 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 3 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 3 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 4. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 4. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 4. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 4 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 4 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 4 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 4 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 5. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 5. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 5. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 5 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 5 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 5 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 5 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 6. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 6. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 6. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 6 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 6 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 6 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 6 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 7. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 7. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 7. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 7 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 7 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 7 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 7 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 8. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 8. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 8. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 8 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 8 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 8 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 8 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital admission nights
Number of nights spent in hospital for visit 9. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 9. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit reason
Reason for going to the hospital for visit 9. Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit A&E
Does hospital visit 9 include A&E visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit day admission
Does hospital visit 9 include day surgery? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit overnight admission
Does hospital visit 9 include inpatient admission for at least one night? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
hospital visit outpatient
Does hospital visit 9 include outpatient visit? Reported at 5 years for years 2-5.
any hospital visits
Been to the hospital in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
any NHS health professionals
Seen a NHS health professional in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
alternative med practitioner visits
Number of visits to alternative medicine practitioner in the past 3 months - all visits.
antismoking visits
Number of visits to anti-smoking clinic in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
audiologist visits
Number of visits to audiologist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
dentist visits
Number of visits to dentist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
specialist nurse visits
Number of visits to nurse specialist or midwife in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
opticial visits
Number of visits to optician in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
phlebotomist visits
Number of visits to phlebotomist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
podiatry visits
Number of visits to podiatrist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
psychiatrist visits
Number of visits to psychiatrist (or other mental health support not covered in other variables) in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
rehabilitation clinic visits
Number of visits to rehab clinic in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
scan/screening visits
Number of visits to scans/screening (e.g. mammography) in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
travel clinic visits
Number of visits to travel clinic in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
walk-in clinic visits
Number of visits to walk-in clinic or out of hours GP in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 2 years.
occ therapist clinic visits
Number of appointments with an occupational therapist in the clinic in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
occ therapist home visits
Number of appointments with an occupational therapist at home in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
occ therapist phone calls
Number of appointments with an occupational therapist on the phone in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
physio clinic visits
Number of appointments with a physio in the clinic in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
physio home visits
Number of appointments with a physio at home in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
physio phone calls
Number of appointments with a physio on the phone in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
psychologist clinic visits
Number of appointments with a psychologist in the clinic in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
psychologist home visits
Number of appointments with a psychologist at home in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
psychologist phone calls
Number of appointments with a psychologist on the phone in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss drugs y/n
Taken weight loss drugs in the past 3 years in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss drugs how long days
How long were weight loss drugs taken for? Days in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss drugs how long months
How long were weight loss drugs taken for? Months in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss drugs how long years
How long were weight loss drugs taken for? Years in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss drugs who paid
Who paid for weight loss drugs in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss surgery 1 date
Date of weight loss surgery 1 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss surgery 1 who paid
Who paid for weight loss surgery 1 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss surgery 2 date
Date of weight loss surgery 2 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss surgery 2 who paid
Who paid for weight loss surgery 2 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weightloss surgery y/n
Had weight loss surgery in the past 3 years in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss clubs y/n
Attended a weight loss club/group/organisation in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up.
commercial weight loss visits
Number of visits to a commercial weight loss group in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
commercial weight loss who paid
Who paid for visits to a commercial weight loss group in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
gym visits
Number of visits to a gym or sports club in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.D49
gym who paid
Who paid for visits to a gym or sports club in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
NHS weight loss visits
Number of visits to a NHS run weight loss group in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
NHS weight loss paid by
Who paid for visits to a NHS run weight loss group in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 1 visits
Number of visits to other weight loss activity 1 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 1 who paid
Who paid for other weight loss activity 1 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 1 type
Other weight loss activity type 1 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 2 visits
Number of visits to other weight loss activity 2 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 2 who paid
Who paid for other weight loss activity 2 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 2 type
Other weight loss activity type 2 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 3 visits
Number of visits to other weight loss activity 3 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 3 who paid
Who paid for other weight loss activity 3 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
weight loss other 3 type
Other weight loss activity type 3 in the last 3 years since 2 year follow-up. Measured at 5 years.
HDL Cholesterol GP records
HDL Cholesterol (mmol/L) from GP records at 5 years
height cm
Height in cm measured by study staff at 5 years, data cleaned by MRC Epi anthropology team
LDL cholesterol GP records
Calculated LDL Cholesterol (mmol/L) from GP records at 5 years
Taking lipid-lowering medication
Taking lipid-lowering medication(s) at 5 years.
ATC-coded current medications
ATC-coded current medications from 5-year GP notes review. Refer to Closest data to the expected visit date was used, and data was treated as in-range if it was recorded in the GP notes with a date <=1y prior to expected visit date, or <=1y after.
ATC medication codes from GP notes
Complete list of ATC medication codes from GP notes. Reported at 5 years.
date of multi-var BMI
Date of BMI in variables MVBMIStudyGP_5y and MVBMIStudyGPSR_5y
source of multi-var BMI
Source of BMI in variables MVBMIStudyGP_5y and MVBMIStudyGPSR_5y
multi-var BMI inc self-report
BMI combining multiple variables. BMI as measured by study team if available; otherwise BMI recorded in GP records; otherwise BMI as reported by the participant. Measured at 5 years.
multi-var BMI
BMI combining multiple variables. BMI as measured by study team if available; otherwise BMI recorded in GP records. Measured at 5 years.
Multi-var DM status excl metformin
Diabetes Status combining multiple variables. EXCLUDES participants where the only evidence for diabetes is a metformin prescription (for sensitivity analysis). No diabetes: BloodDiabeticStatus = 0; Not taking Diabetes Medication; GPDiabeticStatusAtVisit = Non-Diabetic, Borderline or pre Diabetic, or Non-Diabetic had gestational diabetes. Diabetes: BloodDiabeticStatus = 1; Taking Diabetes Medication; GPDiabeticStatusAtVisit = Diabetes type unknown, Type 1 diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes. Measured at 5 years.
Multi-var DM status
Diabetes Status combining multiple variables. No diabetes: BloodDiabeticStatus = 0; Not taking Diabetes Medication; GPDiabeticStatusAtVisit = Non-Diabetic, Borderline or pre Diabetic, or Non-Diabetic had gestational diabetes. Diabetes: BloodDiabeticStatus = 1; Taking Diabetes Medication; GPDiabeticStatusAtVisit = Diabetes type unknown, Type 1 diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes. Measured at 5 years.
multi-var hypertension status
Hypertension status combining multiple variables. Hypertension: DiastolicAv>=90; SystolicAv>=140; Taking Blood Pressure Medication. Measured at 5 years.
multi-var weight date
Date of weight in variables MVWeightStudyGP_5y and MVWeightStudyGPSR_5y
multi-var weight source
Source of weight in variables MVWeightStudyGP_5y and MVWeightStudyGPSR_5y
muti-var weight inc self-report
Weight (in kg) combining multiple variables. Weight as measured by study team if available; otherwise weight recorded in GP records; otherwise weight as reported by the participant. Measured at 5 years.
multi-var weight
Weight (in kg) combining multiple variables. Weight as measured by study team if available; otherwise weight recorded in GP records. Measured at 5 years.
PoFS anticipation
Power of Food Scale: Just before I taste a favourite food, I feel intense anticipation. Measured at 5 years.
POFS food availability missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the questions contributing to food availability score. Measured at 5 years.
POFS food availability score
Power of Food Scale: food availability score. Mean of 6 variables: pof_thinking_not_hungry pof_pleasure_eating pof_scary_power pof_out_of_blue pof_enjoy_more pof_food_on_mind. Measured at 5 years.
POFS delicious available
Power of Food Scale: When I know a delicious food ia available, I can't help myself from thinking about having some. Measured at 5 years.
POFS delicions important
Power of Food Scale: It's very important to me that the foods I eat are as delicious as possible. Measured at 5 years.
POFS enjoy more
Power of Food Scale: I think I enjoy eating a lot more than most other people. Measured at 5 years.
POFS fattening food
Power of Food Scale: When I'm around fattening food I love, it's hard to stop myself from at least tasting it. Measured at 5 years.
POFS focus on taste
Power of Food Scale: When I eat a delicious food, I focus a lot on how good it tastes. Measured at 5 years.
POFS food on mind
Power of Food Scale: It seems like I have food on my mind a lot. Measured at 5 years.
POFS hear food described
Power of Food Scale: Hearing someone describe a great meal makes me really want to have something to eat. Measured at 5 years.
POFS love taste
Power of Food Scale: I love the taste of certain foods so much that I can't avoid eating them even if they're bad for me. Measured at 5 years.
POFS out of the blue
Power of Food Scale: Sometimes, when I'm doing every day activites, I get an urge to eat 'out of the blue' (for no apparent reason). Measured at 5 years.
POFS overall missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the POFS.. Measured at 5 years.
POFS overall score
Power of Food Scale: overall score. Mean of all 15 POFS questions.. Measured at 5 years.
POFS eating pleasure
Power of Food Scale: I get more pleasure from eating than I do from almost anything else. Measured at 5 years.
POFS food presence missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the questions contributing to food presence score. Measured at 5 years.
POFS food presence score
Power of Food Scale: food presence score. Mean of 4 variables: pof_smell_urge pof_fattening pof_delicious_cant_stop pof_love_taste. Measured at 5 years.
POFS saliva
Power of Food Scale: Before I eat a favourite food my mouth tends to flood with saliva. Measured at 5 years.
POFS scary power
Power of Food Scale: It's scary to think of the power food has over me. Measured at 5 years.
POFS smell urge
Power of Food Scale: If I see or smell a food I like, I get a powerful urge to have some. Measured at 5 years.
POFS tasted missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the questions contributing to food tasted score. Measured at 5 years.
POFS tasted score
Power of Food Scale: food tasted score. Mean of 5 variables: pof_anticipation pof_focus_taste pof_hearing_described pof_delicious_important pof_saliva. Measured at 5 years.
POFS thinking when not hungry
Power of Food Scale: I find myself thinking about food even when I'm not physically hungry. Measured at 5 years.
REI 5lbs
Revised Eating Inventory: Would a weight fluctuation of 5lbs affect the way you live your life? Measured at 5 years.
REI always hungry
Revised Eating Inventory: I am always hungry enough to eat at any time. Measured at 5 years.
REI anxious
Revised Eating Inventory: When I feel anxious, I find myself eating. Measured at 5 years.
REI attention figure changes
Revised Eating Inventory: I pay a great deal of attention to changes in my figure. Measured at 5 years.
REI avoid fat
Revised Eating Inventory: I do not eat some foods because they make me fat. Measured at 5 years.
REI avoid stocking up
Revised Eating Inventory: How frequently do you avoid 'stocking up' on tempting foods? Measured at 5 years.
REI blue overeat
Revised Eating Inventory: When I feel blue I often overeat. Measured at 5 years.
REI bottomless pit
Revised Eating Inventory: I get so hungry that my stomach often seems like a bottomless pit. Measured at 5 years.
REI calorie quota
Revised Eating Inventory: When I have eaten my quota of calories, I am usually good about not eating any more. Measured at 5 years.
REI can.t stop
Revised Eating Inventory: Sometimes when I start eating I just can#t seem to stop. Measured at 5 years.
REI conscious eating
Revised Eating Inventory: How conscious are you of what you are eating? Measured at 5 years.
REI consciously eat less
Revised Eating Inventory: How likely are you to consciously eat less than you want? Measured at 5 years.
REI count calories
Revised Eating Inventory: I count calories as a conscious means of controlling my weight. Measured at 5 years.
REI delicacy hungry
Revised Eating Inventory: When I see a real delicacy I often get so hungry that I have to eat right away. Measured at 5 years.
REI diet eat less
Revised Eating Inventory: While on a diet, if I eat food that is not allowed, I consciously eat less for a period of time to make up for it. Measured at 5 years.
REI binges
Revised Eating Inventory: Do you go on eating binges though you are not hungry? Measured at 5 years.
REI frequency of dieting
Revised Eating Inventory: How often are you dieting in a conscious effort to control your weight? Measured at 5 years.
REI guilt control
Revised Eating Inventory: Do your feelings of guilt about overeating help you to control your food intake? Measured at 5 years.
REI hold back at meals
Revised Eating Inventory: I consciously hold back at meals in order not to gain weight. Measured at 5 years.
REI how often hungry
Revised Eating Inventory: How often do you feel hungry? Measured at 5 years.
REI calories in food
Revised Eating Inventory: I have a pretty good idea of the number of calories in common food. Measured at 5 years.
REI lonely eating
Revised Eating Inventory: When I feel lonely I console myself by eating. Measured at 5 years.
REI restraint level
Revised Eating Inventory: On a scale of 1 to 8, where 1 means no restraint in eating (eating whatever you want, whenever you want it) and 8 means total restraint (constantly limiting food intake and never "giving in"), what number would you give yourself? Measured at 5 years.
REI small helpings
Revised Eating Inventory: I deliberately take small helpings as a means of controlling my weight. Measured at 5 years.
REI steak
Revised Eating Inventory: When I smell a sizzling steak or juicy piece of meat, I find it very difficult to keep from eating, even if I have just finished a meal. Measured at 5 years.
REI with someone eating
Revised Eating Inventory: Being with someone who is eating often makes me hungry enough to eat also. Measured at 5 years.
REI finish plate
Revised Eating Inventory: I am always hungry so it Iis hard for me to stop eating before I finish the food on my plate. Measured at 5 years.
Number of cigars
Number of cigars smoked pre day when smoking - collected by 5yr WRAP questionnaire
Number of cigarettes
Number of cigarettes smoked pre day when smoking - collected by 5yr WRAP questionnaire
Grams tobacco
Grams of tobacco smoked per day when smoking - collected by 5yr WRAP questionnaire
Year quit smoking
Year quit smoking - collected by 5yr WRAP questionnaire
Age started smoking
Age started smoking - collected by 5yr WRAP questionnaire
Smoking status
Smoking status from questionnaire self-report at 5 years
self monitoring calories
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Track how many calories you eat. Measured at 5 years.
self monitoring track carbs
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Track how many carbohydrates you eat. Measured at 5 years.
self monitoring track fat
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Track how many grams of fat you eat. Measured at 5 years.
self monitoring measure
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Measure the amount of food you put on your plate. Measured at 5 years.
self monitoring planning
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Plan your meals and snacks throughout the day. Measured at 5 years.
self monitoring portions
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Think about the amount of food you put on your plate. Measured at 5 years.
self-monitoring PA
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Track how much physical activity you do. Measured at 5 years.
self-monitoring weighing
Self-monitoring questionnaire: How often do you do each of the following?: Weigh yourself. Measured at 5 years.
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at 5 years.
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at 5 years. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
weight loss recall
Satisfaction with Outcomes questionnaire: Please think back to the weight-loss programme that you took part in five years ago. Can you recall how much weight you had lost at the end of the programme?
satisfaction with weight loss
Satisfaction with Outcomes questionnaire: How satisfied were you with the amount of weight you lost at the end of the programme? Range: 1 = very dissatisfied to 7 = very satisfied
1st systolic BP
1st Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
2nd systolic BP
2nd Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
3rd systolic BP
3rd Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
Average systolic BP
Average systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 5 years
HDL Triglycerides GP records
HDL Triglycerides (mmol/L) from GP records at 5 years
weight kg - study
Weight in kg measured by study staff at 5 years, data cleaned by MRC Epi anthropology team