VarGroup Info
Variable Group Information
WRAP | Release 5
FollowUp1y (1y follow-up measures) 1164
Participant age at 1 year visit (years)
taking anti-depressants
Taking anti-depressant medication(s) at 1 year.
1y appt due from
1 year appointment due from (baseline +11 months)
1y appt due to
1 year appointment due to (baseline +14 months)
1y visit in window
Is 1 year visit inside/outside of appointment window?
Attended 1 year visit
Attended 1 year visit
BI frequency of use
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How frequently did you use the information from the BHF booklet to help you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 1 year.
BI usefulness
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful did you find the BHF booklet for helping you lose/maintain weight? Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = not at all useful to 7 = extremely useful
BI experience
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of the self-help programme. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 1 year.
BI useful: behaviour
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: nutrition info
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: meal ideas
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Meal ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: other
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: other type
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful part of the booklet.
BI useful: plan
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Creating an Eating Plan. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: portions
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
BI useful: tracking
Basic intervention (self-help programme) questionnaire: How useful were the following parts of the booklet? (please order 1 to 7 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change using the progress chart. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
DM status from bloods
Diabetes Status according to blood samples taken at study clinic visit. If blood taken and not diabetic = 0; if hbA1c or glucose in diabetic range = 1. Measured at 1 year.
taking antihypertensives
Taking medication(s) for high blood pressure at 1 year.
Bloods taken at 1 year visit
Bloods taken at 1 year visit
Body Mass Index calculated by study staff at 1 year
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF chapter
Medication costing data: BNF chapter of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF name
Medication costing data: prescribed medication chemical name as used in the BNF. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF section
Medication costing data: BNF section name of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
BNF sub paragraph
Medication costing data: BNF sub paragraph name of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
number BP measures
Number of Blood Pressure measurements taken by study staff at 1 year
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
comorbidities based on drug
Common comorbidities participant may have, based on their reported prescribed medications (taken from BNF chapters) Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
CTSRQ autonomous missing
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the autonomous self-control score. Measured at 1 year.
CTSRQ autonomous score
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: autonomous regulation score. Mean of items ctsrq_a_help_self ctsrq_a_chosen ctsrq_a_challenge ctsrq_b_help_solve ctsrq_b_succeed. Measured at 1 year.
CTSRQ challenge
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: It is a challenge to accomplish my goal. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ chosen not to leave
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I have chosen not to leave the program. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ failure
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I would have felt like a failure if I didn’t. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ feel bad
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I would have felt bad about myself if I didn't. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ help self
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I feel like it's the best way to help myself. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ invested money
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I have invested so much money in this program. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ others angry
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: Others would have been angry at me if I didn't. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ others think me weak
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: People would think I'm a weak person if I didn't. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ feel guilty
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I feel guilty if I don't comply with all the procedures. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ help solve problems
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I believe they help me solve my problem. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ others see trying
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I want others to see that I am really trying to lose weight. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ success important
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: It is important to me that my efforts succeed. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ worried about trouble
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I have been worried that I would get in trouble with the staff if I didn't follow all the guidelines. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
CTSRQ controlled missing
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the controlled self-control score. Measured at 1 year.
CTSRQ controlled score
Continuing treatment self-regulation questionnaire: controlled regulation score. Mean of items ctsrq_a_feel_bad ctsrq_a_others_angry ctsrq_a_failure ctsrq_a_weak ctsrq_a_invested ctsrq_b_trouble ctsrq_b_others_see ctsrq_b_guilty. Measured at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
90 day cost of listed medication
Medication costing data: 90 day cost of listed medication & dose. If the medication was common/obesity related this will be based on the exact BNF drug cost, otherwise this will be the mean 90 day cost (£6.30) for all drugs. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
taking antidiabetics
Taking medication(s) for diabetes at 1 year.
diastolic BP measure 1
1st Diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
diastolic BP measure 2
2nd Diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
diastolic BP measure 3
3rd Diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
diastolic BP average
Average diastolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
diabetes status GP records
Diabetes status according to GP records at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
prescribed medication
Medication costing data: prescribed medication name, form, and dose. Medicines are shown by individual preparation name, which may be proprietary or generic, followed by form and strength. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
DSRQ amotivation missing
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the amotivation score. Measured at 1 year.
DSRQ amotivation score
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: amotivation score. Mean of items dsrq_dont_think dsrq_do_as_told dsrq_dont_know. Measured at 1 year.
DSRQ autonomous missing
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the autonomous self-control score. Measured at 1 year.
DSRQ autonomous score
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: autonomous self-control score. Mean of items dsrq_responsibility dsrq_best_for_health dsrq_careful_thought dsrq_important dsrq_life_goals dsrq_health_important . Measured at 1 year.
DSRQ best for health
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I personally believe it is the best thing for my health. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ careful thought
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I have carefully thought about it and believe it is very important for many aspects of my life. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ controlled missing
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the controlled self-control score. Measured at 1 year.
DSRQ controlled score
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: controlled self-control score. Mean of items dsrq_guilty dsrq_others_upset dsrq_feel_bad dsrq_others_pressure dsrq_others_approve dsrq_others_see. Measured at 1 year.
DSRQ don.t know why
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: I don't really know why. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ don.t think about it
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: I really don't think about it. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ do as told
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is easier to do what I am told than think about it. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ feel bad
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I would feel bad about myself if I did not eat a healthy diet. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ feel guilty
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I would feel guilty or ashamed of myself if I did not eat a healthy diet. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ important for health
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is very important for being as healthy as possible. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ important choice
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is an important choice I really want to make. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ consistent with goals
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is consistent with my life goals. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ approval of others
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I want others to approve of me. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ pressure from others
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I feel pressure from others to do so. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ others see I can
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I want others to see I can do it. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ others upset
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because others would be upset with me if I did not. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
DSRQ take responsibility
Diet self-regulation questionnaire: Because I feel that I want to take responsibility for my own health. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
employment status
Current employment status reported at 1 year
EQ5D anxiety/depression
EQ-5D-3L: Level of anxiety/depression. Measured at 1 year.
EQ5D health state
EQ-5D-3L: Participants own health state today. Measured at 1 year. Range: 0 = Worst imaginable health state to 100 = Best imaginable health state
EQ5D mobility
EQ-5D-3L: Level of mobility. Measured at 1 year.
EQ5D pain/discomfort
EQ-5D-3L: Level of pain/discomfort. Measured at 1 year.
EQ5D self-care
EQ-5D-3L: Level of self-Care. Measured at 1 year.
EQ5D usual activities
EQ-5D-3L: Usual Activities (eg. Work, study, housework, family or leisure activities). Measured at 1 year.
EQ5D score
EQ-5D-3L: Scored index from entered data. Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ amotivation missing
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the amotivation score. Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ amotivation score
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: amotivation score. Mean of items esrq_dont_think esrq_do_as_told esrq_dont_know. Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ autonomous missing
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the autonomous self-control score. Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ autonomous score
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: autonomous self-control score. Mean of items esrq_responsibility esrq_best_for_health esrq_careful_thought esrq_important esrq_life_goals esrq_health_important . Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ best for health
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I personally believe it is the best thing for my health. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ careful thought
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I have carefully thought about it and believe it is very important for many aspects of my life. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ controlled missing
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the controlled self-control score. Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ controlled score
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: controlled self-control score. Mean of items esrq_guilty esrq_others_upset esrq_feel_bad esrq_others_pressure esrq_others_approve esrq_others_see. Measured at 1 year.
ESRQ don.t know why
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: I don't really know why. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ don.t think about it
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: I really don't think about it. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ do as told
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is easier to do what I am told than think about it. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ feel bad
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I would feel bad about myself if I did not exercise regularly. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ feel guilty
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I would feel guilty or ashamed of myself if I did not exercise regularly. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ important for health
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is very important for being as healthy as possible. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ important choice
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is an important choice I really want to make. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ consistent with goals
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because it is consistent with my life goals. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ approval of others
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I want others to approve of me. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ pressure from others
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I feel pressure from others to do so. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ others see I can
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I want others to see I can do it. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ others upset
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because others would be upset with me if I did not. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ESRQ take responsibility
Exercise self-regulation questionnaire: Because I feel that I want to take responsibility for my own health. Measured at 1 year. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
Fasted for 1 year bloods?
Fasted for 1 year bloods?
Fat mass kg
Fat mass in kg measured by study staff at 1 year
DM status ADA criteria glucose
Diabetes status according to glucose cut off using ADA criteria. Measured at 1 year.
DM status WHO criteria glucose
Diabetes status according to glucose cut offs using WHO 2006 criteria. Measured at 1 year.
Glucose (mmol/L) at 1 year
Glucose (mmol/L) at 1 year
HADS anxiety score
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: HADS score for the anxiety subscale. Score calculated where at least half the questions have been answered with the mean of the answered questions scaled up for the missing answers... Measured at 1 year.
HADS at ease
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I can sit at ease and feel relaxed. Measured at 1 year.
HADS butterflies
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I get a sort of frightened feeling like butterflies in the stomach. Measured at 1 year.
HADS cheerful
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel cheerful. Measured at 1 year.
HADS depression score
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: HADS score for the depression subscale. Score calculated where at least half the questions have been answered with the mean of the answered questions scaled up for the missing answers... Measured at 1 year.
HADS enjoy book radio TV
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I can enjoy a good book or radio or TV programme. Measured at 1 year.
HADS enjoy used to
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I still enjoy the things I used to enjoy. Measured at 1 year.
HADS frightened feeling
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I get a sort of frightened feeling as if something awful is about to happen. Measured at 1 year.
HADS funny side
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I can laugh and see the funny side of things. Measured at 1 year.
HADS look forward
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I look forward with enjoyment to things. Measured at 1 year.
HADS lost interest
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I have lost interest in my appearance. Measured at 1 year.
HADS overall score
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: HADS overall score. Score calculated where the anxiety and depression subscales are both complete enough to be scored.. Measured at 1 year.
HADS restless
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel restless as if I have to be on the move. Measured at 1 year.
HADS slowed down
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel as if I am slowed down. Measured at 1 year.
HADS panic
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I get sudden feelings of panic. Measured at 1 year.
HADS tense
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: I feel tense or wound up. Measured at 1 year.
HADS worrying thoughts
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: Worrying thoughts go through my mind. Measured at 1 year.
DM status ADA criteria HbA1c
Diabetes status according to HbA1c cut offs using ADA criteria. Measured at 1 year.
DM status WHO criteria HbA1c
Diabetes status according to HbA1c cut offs using WHO 2011 criteria. Measured at 1 year.
HbA1c (mmol/mol)
HbA1c (mmol/mol) at 1 year
any primary care visits
Any primary care visits in the past 3 months? Measured at 1 year.
number primary care visits
Number of primary care visits in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
GP visits home
Number of GP visits at home in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
GP phone calls
Number of GP visits over the phone in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
GP phone calls inc imputed
Number of GP visits over the phone in the past 3 months. Includes imputed values for number of phone visits where it is apparent from the participant's answers that visit(s) have taken place but now many is not directly answered. Measured at 1 year.
GP visits surgery
Number of GP visits at a surgery in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
GP visits surgery inc imputed
Number of GP visits at a surgery in the past 3 months. Includes imputed values for number of surgery visits where it is apparent from the participant's answers that visit(s) have taken place but now many is not directly answered. Measured at 1 year.
nurse visits home
Number of nurse visits at home in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
nurse phone calls
Number of nurse visits over the phone in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
nurse surgery visits
Number of nurse visits at a surgery in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
nurse surgery visits inc imputed
Number of nurse visits at a surgery in the past 3 months. Includes imputed values for number of surgery visits where it is apparent from the participant's answers that visit(s) have taken place but now many is not directly answered. Measured at 1 year.
counsellor clinic visits
Number of visits to counsellor in the past 3 months - clinic visit. Measured at 1 year.
counsellor home visits
Number of visits to counsellor in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
counsellor phone calls
Number of visits to counsellor in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
dietician clinic visits
Number of visits to dietician in the past 3 months - clinic visit. Measured at 1 year.
dietician home visits
Number of visits to dietician in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
dietician phone calls
Number of visits to dietician in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
health aid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: During the past 3 months have you been issued with or bought any health aids; devices; or equipment? E.g. walking sticks; wheel chairs. Measured at 1 year.
health aids
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 1 type. Measured at 1 year.
health aid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 2 type. Measured at 1 year.
health aid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 3 type. Measured at 1 year.
health aid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 4 type. Measured at 1 year.
health aid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 5 type. Measured at 1 year.
health aid cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 1 cost. Measured at 1 year.
health aid cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 2 cost. Measured at 1 year.
health aid cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 3 cost. Measured at 1 year.
health aid cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 4 cost. Measured at 1 year.
health aid cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Health aid 5 cost. Measured at 1 year.
health aid who paid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Who paid for health aid 1? Measured at 1 year.
health aid who paid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Who paid for health aid 2? Measured at 1 year.
health aid who paid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Who paid for health aid 3? Measured at 1 year.
health aid who paid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Who paid for health aid 4? Measured at 1 year.
health aid who paid
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Who paid for health aid 5? Measured at 1 year.
health visitor clinic visits
Number of visits to health visitor in the past 3 months - clinic visit. Measured at 1 year.
health visitor home visits
Number of visits to health visitor in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
health visitor phone calls
Number of visits to health visitor in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 1 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 1. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 1. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 1 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 1 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 1 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit outpatient
Did hospital visit 1 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 2 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 2. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 2. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 2 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 2 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 2 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 2 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 3 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 3. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 3. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 3 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 3 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 3 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit outpatient
Did hospital visit 3 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 4 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 4. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 4. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 4 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 4 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 4 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit outpatient
Did hospital visit 4 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 5 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 5. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 5. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 5 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 5 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 5 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit outpatient
Did hospital visit 5 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 6 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 6. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 6. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 6 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 6 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 6 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit outpatient
Did hospital visit 6 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital admission nights
If hospital visit 7 involved an overnight admission how many nights was the stay? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit date
Date of hospital visit 7. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit reason
Reason for hospital visit 7. Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit A&E
Did hospital visit 7 involve an A&E visit? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit day admission
Did hospital visit 7 involve a day admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit overnight admission
Did hospital visit 7 involve an overnight admission? Measured at 1 year.
hospital visit outpatient
Did hospital visit 7 involve an outpatient visit? Measured at 1 year.
any hospital visits
During the last 3 months have you been to hospital? Measured at 1 year.
illness time off work y/n
Health Care Usage questionnaire: In the last 3 months did you have to take time off work due to ill health? Measured at 1 year.
illness time off work days
Health Care Usage questionnaire: How many days in the last 3 months did you have to take time off work due to ill health? Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: During the past 3 months have you paid for any out-of-pocket non-prescription or complementary medicines? E.g. painkillers vitamins minerals etc. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 1 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 1 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 2 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 2 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 3 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 3 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 4 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 4 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 5 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 5 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 6 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 6 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 7 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 7 cost. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 8 name. Measured at 1 year.
out of pocket meds cost
Health Care Usage questionnaire: Non-prescription or complementary medicine 8 cost. Measured at 1 year.
any NHS health professionals
In the last 3 months have you had contact with any of the following NHS health professionals? Measured at 1 year.
alternative med practitioner visits
Number of visits to alternative medicine practitioner in the past 3 months - all visits.C4547
antismoking visits
Number of visits to anti-smoking clinic in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
audiologist visits
Number of visits to audiologist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
dentist visits
Number of visits to dentist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
specialist nurse visits
Number of visits to nurse specialist or midwife in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
opticial visits
Number of visits to optician in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
phlebotomist visits
Number of visits to phlebotomist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
podiatry visits
Number of visits to podiatrist in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
psychiatrist visits
Number of visits to psychiatrist (or other mental health support not covered in other variables) in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
rehabilitation clinic visits
Number of visits to rehab clinic in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
scan/screening visits
Number of visits to scans/screening (e.g. mammography) in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
travel clinic visits
Number of visits to travel clinic in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
walk-in clinic visits
Number of visits to walk-in clinic or out of hours GP in the past 3 months - all visits. Measured at 1 year.
occ therapist clinic visits
Number of visits to occupational therapist in the past 3 months - clinic visit. Measured at 1 year.
occ therapist home visits
Number of visits to occupational therapist in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
occ therapist phone calls
Number of visits to occupational therapist in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
self-paid healthcare y/n
In the last 3 months have you received any health care which you have paid for yourself? Measured at 1 year.
alt practitioner amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to alternative medicine practitioner. Measured at 1 year.
alt practitioner number of visits
Number of self-paid visits to alternative medicine practitioner. Measured at 1 year.
carer amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to paid carer. Measured at 1 year.
carer amount visits
Number of self-paid visits from paid carer. Measured at 1 year.
counsellor amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to counsellor. Measured at 1 year.
counsellor visits
Number of self-paid visits to counsellor. Measured at 1 year.
dentist amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to dentist. Measured at 1 year.
dentist visits
Number of self-paid visits to dentist. Measured at 1 year.
dietician amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to dietician. Measured at 1 year.
dietician visits
Number of self-paid visits to dietician. Measured at 1 year.
optician amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to optician. Measured at 1 year.
optician visits
Number of self-paid visits to optician. Measured at 1 year.
occ therapy amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to occupational therapist. Measured at 1 year.
occ therapy visits
Number of self-paid visits to occupational therapist. Measured at 1 year.
physio amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to physiotherapist. Measured at 1 year.
physio visits
Number of self-paid visits to physiotherapist. Measured at 1 year.
podiatry amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to podiatrist. Measured at 1 year.
podiatry visits
Number of self-paid visits to podiatrist. Measured at 1 year.
private hospital amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to private hospital. Measured at 1 year.
private hospital visits
Number of self-paid visits to private hospital. Measured at 1 year.
psychologist amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to psychologist. Measured at 1 year.
psychologist visits
Number of self-paid visits to psychologist. Measured at 1 year.
rehab amount paid
Total amount of money paid (in £) for self-paid visits to rehab clinic. Measured at 1 year.
rehab visits
Number of self-paid visits to rehab clinic. Measured at 1 year.
physio clinic visits
Number of visits to physiotherapist in the past 3 months - clinic visit. Measured at 1 year.
physio home visits
Number of visits to physiotherapist in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
physio phone calls
Number of visits to physiotherapist in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
psychologist clinic visits
Number of visits to psychologist in the past 3 months - clinic visit. Measured at 1 year.
psychologist home visits
Number of visits to psychologist in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
psychologist phone calls
Number of visits to psychologist in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss clubs y/n
In the last 3 months have you attended any club group or organisation in order to try to lose weight exercise more or eat more healthily? Measured at 1 year.
weight loss commercial y/n
In the last 3 months have you attended a commercial weight loss group such as Weight Watchers; Slimming World; etc.? Measured at 1 year.
commercial weight loss cost
Cost of commercial weight loss group sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_commercial_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
commercial weight loss visits
Number of commercial weight loss group sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
commercial weight loss type
Type of commercial weight loss group attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
commercial weight loss time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_commercial_cost_1y variable.
gym y/n
In the last 3 months have you attended a gym or sports club? Measured at 1 year.
gym cost
Cost of gym or sports club sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_gym_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
gym visits
Number of gym or sports club sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
gym type
Type of gym or sports club attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
gym time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_gym_cost_1y variable.
NHS weight loss y/n
In the last 3 months have you attended an NHS-run group? Measured at 1 year.
NHS weight loss cost
Cost of NHS-run group sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_nhs_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
NHS weight loss visits
Number of NHS-run group sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
NHS weight loss type
Type of NHS-run group attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
NHS weight loss time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_nhs_cost_1y variable.
weight loss other 1 y/n
Attended other activity 1 in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 1 cost
Cost of other activity 1 sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_other1_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
weight loss other 1 visits
Number of sessions of other activity 1 attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 1 type
Type of other activity 1. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 1 time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_other1_cost_1y variable.
weight loss other 2 y/n
Attended other activity 2 in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 2 cost
Cost of other activity 2 sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_other2_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
weight loss other 2 visits
Number of sessions of other activity 2 attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 2 type
Type of other activity 2. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 2 time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_other2_cost_1y variable.
weight loss other 3 y/n
Attended other activity 3 in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 3 cost
Cost of other activity 3 sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_other3_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
weight loss other 3 visits
Number of sessions of other activity 3 attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 3 type
Type of other activity 3. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 3 time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_other3_cost_1y variable.
weight loss other 4 y/n
Attended other activity 4 in the past 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 4 cost
Cost of other activity 4 sessions attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year. See also hcu_wl_other4_unit_1y for the length of time this cost refers to.
weight loss other 4 visits
Number of sessions of other activity 4 attended in the last 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 4 type
Type of other activity 4. Measured at 1 year.
weight loss other 4 time unit
Length of time referred to by hcu_wl_other4_cost_1y variable.
weight loss other y/n
In the last 3 months have you attended any other type of activity for weight loss; exercise; or healthy eating? Measured at 1 year.
HDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol (mmol/L) at 1 year
height cm
Height in cm measured by study staff at 1 year
hours worked
Hours of employment reported at 1 year
household income
Current household income reported at 1 year
household weightloss
Any members of the household using a weight loss programme? reported at 1 year
household weightloss how long
How long has the other member of their household been on that weight loss programme? reported at 1 year
household weightloss programme
Which weight loss programme is the other member of their household using? reported at 1 year
cost of GP home visits
Cost of GP home visits during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of GP phone calls
Cost of GP phone visits during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of GP surgery visits
Cost of GP surgery visits during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
total cost GP visits
Total cost of NHS GP care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of nurse home visits
Cost of primary care nurse home visits during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of nurse phone calls
Cost of primary care nurse phone visits during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of nurse surgery visits
Cost of primary care nurse surgery visits during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
total cost nurse visits
Total cost of NHS nurese primary care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
total cost primary care
Total cost of NHS primary care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of A&E visits
Cost of NHS hospital accident and emergency care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of day admissions
Cost of NHS hospital day care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
excess bed days
Number of NHS hospital inpatient excess bed days during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
number of inpatient bed days
Number of NHS hospital inpatient bed days during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of inpatient care
Cost of NHS hospital inpatient care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
total cost hospital non-inpatient
Total cost of NHS hospital non-inpatient care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of outpatient care
Cost of NHS hospital outpatient care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
cost of NHS-prescribed drugs
Total cost of NHS-prescribed medications during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS counsellor care
Cost of NHS counsellor care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS dietician care
Cost of NHS dietician care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS other care
Cost of NHS other care (non-primary, non-hospital, not specifically listed in another 'othernhs' variable) during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS occ therapy
Cost of NHS occupational therapist care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS physio
Cost of NHS physiotherapist care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS podiatry
Cost of NHS podiatry care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Cost of NHS psychologist
Cost of NHS psychologist care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Total cost of other NHS care
Total cost of other NHS care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
Total cost all NHS care
Total cost of all NHS care during the preceding 3 months. Measured at 1 year.
social care y/n
In the last 3 months have you had contact with any someone from social services or used any of their services? Measured at 1 year.
carer home visits
Number of visits from carer in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
meals-on-wheels home visits
Number of visits from meals-on-wheels in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
social worker home visits
Number of visits from social worker in the past 3 months - home visit. Measured at 1 year.
social worker office visits
Number of visits from social worker in the past 3 months - office visit. Measured at 1 year.
social worker phone calls
Number of visits from social worker in the past 3 months - phone call. Measured at 1 year.
Job sector reported at 1 year
Job sector reported at 1 year
LDL cholesterol
Calculated LDL Cholesterol (mmol/L) at 1 year
Level of education
Level of education reported at 1 year
Taking lipid-lowering medication
Taking lipid-lowering medication(s) at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
medication class
Prescribed medication class for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
medication type
Prescribed medication type for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
medication name
Prescribed medication name for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
prescribed dose
Prescribed medication dose for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
medication frequency
Frequency of prescribed medication for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
medication name clean
Cleaned prescription medication name for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
number of prescriptions
Number of prescriptions for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
daily dose cleaned
Cleaned prescription medication daily dose for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 10. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 11. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 12. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 13. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 14. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 15. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 16. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 17. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 18. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 19. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 1. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 20. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 21. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 22. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 23. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 24. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 25. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 26. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 27. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 28. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 29. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 2. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 3. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 4. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 5. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 6. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 7. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 8. Reported at 1 year.
dose units
Prescribed medication dose units for medication 9. Reported at 1 year.
Multi-var DM status
Diabetes Status combining multiple variables. No diabetes: BloodDiabeticStatus = 0; Not taking Diabetes Medication; GPDiabeticStatusAtVisit = Non-Diabetic, Borderline or pre Diabetic, or Non-Diabetic had gestational diabetes. Diabetes: BloodDiabeticStatus = 1; Taking Diabetes Medication; GPDiabeticStatusAtVisit = Diabetes type unknown, Type 1 diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes. Measured at 1 year.
multi-var hypertension status
Hypertension status combining multiple variables. Hypertension: DiastolicAv>=90; SystolicAv>=140; Taking Blood Pressure Medication. Measured at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
net ingredient cost per dose
Medication costing data: net ingredient cost of individual dose of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
taking anti-obesity meds
Taking medication(s) for obesity at 1 year.
PEBQ alternating
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Alternating between eating very well, and then eating very badly. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ feel bad
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating when feeling 'bad' (e.g. upset, angry, anxious or stressed). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ binges
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Binge eating (i.e. eating a very large amount of food in two hours or less, and feeling out of control while you are doing this). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ bored
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating when feeling bored. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ skip breakfast
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Not eating breakfast. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ chaotic eating
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Chaotic pattern of eating (i.e. lack of regular meals and/or snacks). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ feel out of control
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating a normal amount of food (i.e. not a very large amount of food), but feeling out of control. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ enjoyable
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating as an enjoyable thing to do. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ high-cal fluids
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Drinking fluids high in calories (e.g. alcohol, fizzy drinks, juice, milky drinks or adding sugar to drinks). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ grazing
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Grazing/snacking/picking. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ avoid healthy food
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Avoidance of healthy foods (e.g. not eating fruit and vegetables). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ high cal foods
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Choosing high calorie foods. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ high fat foods
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Choosing high fat foods. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ avoid hunger
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Excessive avoidance of hunger (i.e. typically eating in response to even the mildest hint of hunger, or eating to avoid ever feeling hungry at all). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ night eating
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Waking in the night and eating (even if not fully awake). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ other
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Other (please describe and rate). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ other type
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Description of other eating behaviour. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ large portions
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating large portion sizes. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ rapid eating
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating rapidly, not tasting food adequately. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ food as reward
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating as a reward. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ secret eating
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Secret eating. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ failure to stop
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Failing to stop eating when full (or when you think others would normally feel full). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ takeaway
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating from a 'drive through' or restaurant (rather than eating meals prepared at home). Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ undereat overeat
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Not eating enough in the first half of the day, and then overeating in the afternoon and/or evening. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ unfocussed eating
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating while doing something else (e.g. watching television, driving or being on the computer) and not focusing on eating. Measured at 1 year.
PEBQ weekends
Problem Eating Behaviours Questionnaire: Eating differently in the weekends, compared with weekdays. Measured at 1 year.
PoFS anticipation
Power of Food Scale: Just before I taste a favourite food, I feel intense anticipation. Measured at 1 year.
POFS food availability missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the questions contributing to food availability score. Measured at 1 year.
POFS food availability score
Power of Food Scale: food availability score. Mean of 6 variables: pof_thinking_not_hungry pof_pleasure_eating pof_scary_power pof_out_of_blue pof_enjoy_more pof_food_on_mind. Measured at 1 year.
POFS delicious available
Power of Food Scale: When I know a delicious food ia available, I can't help myself from thinking about having some. Measured at 1 year.
POFS delicions important
Power of Food Scale: It's very important to me that the foods I eat are as delicious as possible. Measured at 1 year.
POFS enjoy more
Power of Food Scale: I think I enjoy eating a lot more than most other people. Measured at 1 year.
POFS fattening food
Power of Food Scale: When I'm around fattening food I love, it's hard to stop myself from at least tasting it. Measured at 1 year.
POFS focus on taste
Power of Food Scale: When I eat a delicious food, I focus a lot on how good it tastes. Measured at 1 year.
POFS food on mind
Power of Food Scale: It seems like I have food on my mind a lot. Measured at 1 year.
POFS hear food described
Power of Food Scale: Hearing someone describe a great meal makes me really want to have something to eat. Measured at 1 year.
POFS love taste
Power of Food Scale: I love the taste of certain foods so much that I can't avoid eating them even if they're bad for me. Measured at 1 year.
POFS out of the blue
Power of Food Scale: Sometimes, when I'm doing every day activites, I get an urge to eat 'out of the blue' (for no apparent reason). Measured at 1 year.
POFS overall missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the POFS.. Measured at 1 year.
POFS overall score
Power of Food Scale: overall score. Mean of all 15 POFS questions.. Measured at 1 year.
POFS eating pleasure
Power of Food Scale: I get more pleasure from eating than I do from almost anything else. Measured at 1 year.
POFS food presence missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the questions contributing to food presence score. Measured at 1 year.
POFS food presence score
Power of Food Scale: food presence score. Mean of 4 variables: pof_smell_urge pof_fattening pof_delicious_cant_stop pof_love_taste. Measured at 1 year.
POFS saliva
Power of Food Scale: Before I eat a favourite food my mouth tends to flood with saliva. Measured at 1 year.
POFS scary power
Power of Food Scale: It's scary to think of the power food has over me. Measured at 1 year.
POFS smell urge
Power of Food Scale: If I see or smell a food I like, I get a powerful urge to have some. Measured at 1 year.
POFS tasted missing
Power of Food Scale: number of missing answers in the questions contributing to food tasted score. Measured at 1 year.
POFS tasted score
Power of Food Scale: food tasted score. Mean of 5 variables: pof_anticipation pof_focus_taste pof_hearing_described pof_delicious_important pof_saliva. Measured at 1 year.
POFS thinking when not hungry
Power of Food Scale: I find myself thinking about food even when I'm not physically hungry. Measured at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 10 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 11 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 12 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 13 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 14 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 15 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 16 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 17 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 18 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 19 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 1 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 20 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 21 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 22 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 23 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 24 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 25 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 26 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 27 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 28 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 29 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 2 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 3 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 4 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 5 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 6 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 7 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 8 reported at 1 year.
number of doses
Medication costing data: number of individual doses of prescribed medication. Medication 9 reported at 1 year.
1 year questionnaire returned
1 year questionnaire returned
REI 5lbs
Revised Eating Inventory: Would a weight fluctuation of 5lbs affect the way you live your life?. Measured at 1 year.
REI attention figure changes
Revised Eating Inventory: I pay a great deal of attention to changes in my figure. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
REI avoid stocking up
Revised Eating Inventory: How frequently do you avoid 'stocking up' on tempting foods?. Measured at 1 year.
REI calorie quota
Revised Eating Inventory: When I have eaten my quota of calories, I am usually good about not eating any more. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
REI conscious eating
Revised Eating Inventory: How conscious are you of what you are eating?. Measured at 1 year.
REI consciously eat less
Revised Eating Inventory: How likely are you to consciously eat less than you want?. Measured at 1 year.
REI count calories
Revised Eating Inventory: I count calories as a conscious means of controlling my weight. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
REI diet eat less
Revised Eating Inventory: While on a diet, if I eat food that is not allowed, I consciously eat less for a period of time to make up for it. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
REI flexible restraint score
Revised Eating Inventory: Total Flexible Restraint score. Measured at 1 year.
REI frequency of dieting
Revised Eating Inventory: How often are you dieting in a conscious effort to control your weight?. Measured at 1 year.
REI guilt control
Revised Eating Inventory: Do your feelings of guilt about overeating help you to control your food intake?. Measured at 1 year.
REI hold back at meals
Revised Eating Inventory: I consciously hold back at meals in order not to gain weight. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
REI calories in food
Revised Eating Inventory: I have a pretty good idea of the number of calories in common food. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
REI total restraint score
Revised Eating Inventory: Total Restraint score. Measured at 1 year.
REI rigid restraint score
Revised Eating Inventory: Total Rigid Restraint score. Measured at 1 year.
REI small helpings
Revised Eating Inventory: I deliberately take small helpings as a means of controlling my weight. Version of the question with true/false answers.. Measured at 1 year.
Satiety how full
Satiety scales: How full do you feel at this moment? (scaled to 100) Measured at 1 year. Range: 0 = Not at all full to 100 = Extremely full
Satiety how much eat
Satiety scales: How much food do you feel you could eat at this moment? (scaled to 100) Measured at 1 year. Range: 0 = None at all to 100 = A large amount.
Satiety how hungry
Satiety scales: How hungry do you feel at this moment? (scaled to 100) Measured at 1 year. Range: 0 = Not at all full to 100 = Extremely hungry
Satiety most recent meal
Satiety scales: Time of most recent meal Measured at 1 year.
Satiety desire to eat
Satiety scales: How strong is your desire to eat at this moment? (scaled to 100) Measured at 1 year. Range: 0 = Not at all strong to 100 = Extremely strong
SQL change nothing
Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire: If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Measured at 1 year.
SLQ conditions excellent
Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire: The conditions of my life are excellent. Measured at 1 year.
SLQ conditions excellent
Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire: So far I have gotten the most important things I want in life. Measured at 1 year.
SLQ close to ideal
Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire: In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Measured at 1 year.
SLQ satisfied with life
Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire: I am satisfied with my life. Measured at 1 year.
SLQ score
Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire: Score for SWL questionnaire at 1 year. Total of the 5 question scores, set to missing if any of the 5 questions have not been answered. Interpretation: 35-31= Extremely satisfied; 26-30= Satisfied; 21-25= Slightly satisfied; 20= Neutral; 15-19= Slightly dissatisfied; 10-14= Dissatisfied; 5-9= Extremely dissatisfied
SRHI exercise automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do automatically. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Exercise_Automatically SRHI_Exercise_Unconsciously SRHI_Exercise_WithoutThinking SRHI_Exercise_NotRealize SRHI_Exercise_NoNeed. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise lack control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Exercise_Weird SRHI_Exercise_EffortNotTo SRHI_Exercise_HardNotTo. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that would require effort not to do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do frequently. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise long time
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Exercise_Frequently SRHI_Exercise_Routine SRHI_Exercise_TypicallyMe SRHI_Exercise_LongTime. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI exercise routine
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regulalry is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that's typically me. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI exercise without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Exercising regularly is something I do without thinking. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight automatic
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do automatically . Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight awareness missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of awareness domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight awareness score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of awareness domain. Mean of 5 items SRHI_Weight_Automatically SRHI_Weight_Unconsciously SRHI_Weight_WithoutThinking SRHI_Weight_NotRealize SRHI_Weight_NoNeed. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight lack of control missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in lack of control domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight lack of control score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for lack of control domain. Mean of 3 items SRHI_Weight_Weird SRHI_Weight_EffortNotTo SRHI_Weight_HardNotTo. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight effort not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something would require effort not to do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight frequently
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do frequently. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight hard not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I would find hard not to do. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight long time
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have been doing for a long time. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight no need to think
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I have no need to think about doing. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without realising
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I start doing before I realise I'm doing it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight repetition missing
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Number of missing items in history of behavioural repetition domain. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight repetition score
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat: Score for history of behavioural repetition domain. Mean of 4 items SRHI_Weight_Frequently SRHI_Weight_Routine SRHI_Weight_TypicallyMe SRHI_Weight_LongTime. Reported at 1 year.
SRHI weight routine
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly) routine. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight typically me
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that's 'typically' me. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight unconscious
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without having to consciously remember. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight feel weird not to
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something that makes me feel weird if I do not do it. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
SRHI weight without thinking
Self Report Habit Index: Watching what I eat is something I do without thinking. Reported at 1 year. Range: 1 = Agree to 7 = Disagree
Self-reported weight type
Self-reported weight reported or self-measured at 1 year
Self-reported weight date
Date of self-reported weight at 1 year
Self-reported weight
Self-reported weight at 1 year (kg)
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 10 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 11 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 12 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 13 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 14 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 15 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 16 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 17 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 18 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 19 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 1 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 20 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 21 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 22 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 23 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 24 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 25 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 26 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 27 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 28 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 29 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 2 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 3 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 4 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 5 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 6 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 7 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 8 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
costing details
Medication costing data: identifies commonly reported drug categories, and also identifies whether specific BNF cost or mean average costs were applied. Medication 9 reported at 1 year. Other (costed) = other type of drug - BNF costs provided
1st systolic BP
1st Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
2nd systolic BP
2nd Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
3rd systolic BP
3rd Systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
Average systolic BP
Average systolic blood pressure measurement taken by study staff at 1 year
Tanita not used
Tanita not used to measure weight
chol:HDL ratio
Total Cholesterol:HDL Ratio at 1 year
total cholesterol
Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) at 1 year
HDL Triglycerides
HDL Triglycerides (mmol/L) at 1 year
Date of 1 year visit
Date of 1 year visit
waist circumference cm
Waist circumference in cm measured by study staff at 1 year
weight loss comments
Comments on household weight loss reported at 1 year
weight kg - study
Weight in kg measured by study staff at 1 year
WW experience
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: We would like to know about your experience of attending WW. Please use the space below to provide us with as much information as possible. Reported at 1 year.
WW app use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers mobile phone app? Reported at 1 year.
WW frequency of use
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: How frequently did you use the Weight Watchers e-tools/online resources? Reported at 1 year.
WW useful: group support
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Group support. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: behaviour
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information on changing behaviour. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: nutrition info
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Information about nutrition and healthy eating. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: meal ideas
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Meal Ideas. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: other
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Other (please specify). NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: other type
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Description of 'other' useful component.
WW useful: points
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Using the Points ssytem to monitor what you eat. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: portions
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Guidance on portion size. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: tracking
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Tracking your weight change. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked
WW useful: weigh-in
Weight Watchers programme questionnaire: Which components of the Weight Watchers programme did you find most useful? (please order 1 to 9 with 1 being the most important): Weekly weigh in. NB some participants gave more than one answer the same number, and some just crossed/ticked useful items. Reported at 1 year. X = box crossed or ticked