VarGroup Info
Variable Group Information
Fenland | Release 10
GenQ (All variables related to General questionnaire as completed by participant.) 62
Body outline yourself age 30
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Yourself at Age 30. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Heart problems
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 1. Has your doctor ever told you that you have heart trouble? 2 = yes; 3 = no;
Chest pain or discomfort
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 2. Have you ever had any pain or discomfort in your chest? If no proceed to question 7. If yes please answer also the next 4 questions. 2 = yes; 3 = no;
Dicomfort when walking uphill
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 3. Do you experience this discomfort when you walk uphill or hurry? (from GQV1_A5cChestPainUphill GQV3_A5cChestPainUphill GQV4_A5cChestPainUphill) (raw info of gq_chestpain_uphill). 2 = yes; 3 = no;
Discomfort in wlking ordinary pace
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 4. Do you experience this discomfort when you walk at an ordinary pace on the level? (from GQV1_A5dChestPainNormalPace GQV3_A5dChestPainNormalPace GQV4_A5dChestPainNormalPace) (raw info of gq_chestpain_normal). 2 = yes; 3 = no;
Disomfort while walking
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 5. What do you do if you experience this discomfort while walking? 1 = Stop or slow down; 2 = Carry on
Disomfort when standing still
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 6. If you stand still; what happens to this discomfort? 1 = It goes away; 2 = It remains the same or gets worse
Feel faint or spells of dizziness
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 7. Do you often feel faint or have spells of severe dizziness? 2 - yes; 3 = no;
Blood pressure too high
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 8. Has a doctor ever told you that your blood pressure was too high? 2 - yes; 3 = no;
Taking treatment for high BP
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 9. If you have been told that your blood pressure was too high; are you now on treatment? 2 - yes; 3 = no;
Bone or joint problem
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 10. Has your doctor ever told you that you have a bone or joint problem such as arthritis that has been aggravated by exercise or might be made worse by exercise? 2 - yes; 3 = no;
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 11. Are you pregant? 2 = yes; 3 = no;
Reason not following acitivity prog
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 12. Is there any reason you know of that means you should not follow an activity programme even if you wanted to? 2 - yes; 3 = no;
Walk unaided 10 minutes
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A3. 13. Can you walk unaided for 10 minutes at a moderate pace? 2 - yes; 3 = no;
Ever smoked
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. Have you ever smoked? 2 = yes; 3 = no;
Smoke now
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. Do you smoke now? 2 = yes; 3 = No;
Age smoking started
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. At what age did you start smoking? Please enter age in years.
Year smoking quitted
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. If you have stopped smoking in which year did you quit.
Number of cigarettes a day
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. How much do you or did you smoke a day on average? Number of cigarettes a day
Number of cheroots a day
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. How much do you or did you smoke a day on average? Number of cheroots a day
Number of cigars a day
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. How much do you or did you smoke a day on average? Number of cigars a day
Tobacco in a week
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A4. Smoking. How much do you or did you smoke a day on average? Amount in grams of tobacco in a week
Age of first menstrual period
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A5.1. How old were you when you had your first menstrual period? 2 = I Dont Know; 3 = I have never had a period;
Still having menstrual period
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A5.2. Are you still having menstrual periods? 2 = yes; 3 = No;
Date 1st day of last menstrual period
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A6.1. On what date was the first day of your last menstrual period?
Days between menstrual periods
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A6.2. About how many days are there usually from the first day of one menstrual period to the first day of the next?
Irregular cycles
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A6.3. Do you have irregular cycles? (i.e. you cannot predict within 5 days in either direction when your next period will start) 2 = yes; 3 = No;
Reached menopause
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A7.1. Have you reached the menopause? (i.e. your periods have now stopped completely and you believe permanently; and your last period was at least six months ago) 2 = Yes; 3 = No; 4 = Dont Know because I am taking HRT and therefore am unsure whether I have reached natural menopause;
Age when periods stopped
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A7.2. How old were you when your periods stopped completely and permanently? YEARS of age
Age unkown when periods stopped
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A7.2. How old were you when your periods stopped completely and permanently? Dont Know
Reason for periods stopping
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A7.3. What was the reason for your periods stopping? 1 = Natural menopause; 3 = Natural menopause while on HRT or contraception; 2 = Surgery (e.g.hysterectomy/removal of ovaries); 4 = Dont know
Other reasons for periods stopping
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads IF NO A7c. What was the reason for your periods stopping? Other; specify
Mother's age of Menopause
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads IF NO A7d. What was your mother’s age of natural menopause? (see exclusions above) YEARS of age
Mother's age of natural menopause
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads IF NO A7d. What was your mother’s age of natural menopause? (see exclusions above) Dont know
When voice break
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A8a. When did your voice break? 1 = Younger than average; 2 = About average age; 3 = Older than average; 4 = Dont know;
Age of voice break
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A8b. If known; at what age did your voice break? YEARS of age
Age of voice break not known
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A8b. If known; at what age did your voice break? Dont know
When facial hair started to grow
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A9a. When did you start to grow facial hair? 1 = Younger than average; 2 = About average age; 3 = Older than average; 4 = Dont know;
Age of facial hair
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A9b. If known; at what age did you grow facial hair? YEARS of age
Age of facial hair not known
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads A9b. If known; at what age did you grow facial hair? Dont know
Drank alcohol in the past 1 year
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C1. During the past 1 year; how often did you drink alcoholic drinks of any kind? Please only tick one box. 1 = Never or rarely; 2 = About once a month; 3 = 1-2 times per week; 4 = 3-4 times per week; 5 = Almost every day; 6 = Every day;
Alcohol consumption changed
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C2. Has your current alcohol consumption changed significantly compared with that of some years ago? Please only tick one box. 1 = My consumption has increased a lot; 2 = My consumption has slightly increased; 3 = I currently consume a similar amount as before; 4 = My consumption has slightly decreased; 5 = My consumption has decreased a lot; 6 = In the past and at present I have been consuming little or no alcohol;
Units alcohol consumed wkday beer
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? With 1 unit equivalent to 1/2 pint of Beer; Lager; or cider. Number of units.
Units alcohol consumed wkday wine
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? With 1 unit equivalent to 1/2 glass of Wine. Number of units.
Units alcohol consumedwkday spirits
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? With 1 unit equivalent to 1 single measure of Spirits. Number of units.
Units beer consumed wknd day
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? With 1 unit equivalent to 1/2 pint of Beer; Lager; or cider. Number of units.
Units wine consumed wknd day
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? With 1 unit equivalent to 1/2 glass of Wine. Number of units.
Units spirits consumed wknd day
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? With 1 unit equivalent to 1 single measure of Spirits. Number of units.
Units fortifiedwine consumed wkday
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? Fortified wine (such as sherry Cinzano Campari) With 1 unit equivalent to 1 glass of sherry. Number of units.
Units fortwine consumed wkndday
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads C3. In a typical week; how many units of alcohol do you consume during weekdays (Monday through Thursday) and weekends (Friday through Sunday)? Fortified wine (such as sherry Cinzano Campari) With 1 unit equivalent to 1 glass of sherry. Number of units.
Shift work
Phase 2 data.
Body outline yourself age 10
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Yourself at Age 10. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Body outline yourself age 20
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Yourself at Age 20. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Body outline yourself age 40
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Yourself at Age 40. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Body outline yourself age current
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Yourself Currently. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Body outline Fthr middle age
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Father in middle age. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Weight at age 20 in Kg
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Approximately how much did you weigh when you were about 20 years old? In Kg
Weight at age 20 in lbs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Approximately how much did you weigh when you were about 20 years old? In lbs
Weight at age 20 in Stone
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Approximately how much did you weigh when you were about 20 years old? In Stone
Stone (St)
Body outline Mthr middle age
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads E9. Which of the diagrams shown below best depicts your body outline at a given age and that of your parents when they were middle aged? Mother in middle age. Image 1 slimmest = 1 to Image 9 fattest = 9
Phase 2 data.
Questionnaire version
Phase 2 data. Data in variable RPAQ_Qversion as cleaned by data management team where free text was changed to codes. 8 = Version 8 29/09/2004; 9 = FEN_RPAQ_9.1_05/05/2007