VarGroup Info
Variable Group Information
Fenland | Release 10
Physical_Activity_Environment (None) 6
Land use mix P2
Phase 2 data: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index: A measure of how mixed the land uses in a neighbourhood are. There were 5 possible land uses contained in a neighbourhood; including residential; commercial; institutional/governmental; recreational and mixed landuses. (Range: 0 to 10000; 10000=least mixed; 0=most mixed) HHI = Sk(pk*100)^2 p is the proportion of land area devoted to the specific land use (k) in each buffer. As for the LUM entropy score; the proportions (pk) were calculated as the land area devoted to a specific land use divided by the total area of walkable land uses in each buffer. Note: LUM=10;000 (i.e. no mix) if none or only one of the relevant land uses fell into the buffer. Data Source: OS MasterMap Topography Layer Data (December 2016) AddressBase Premium Data (OS Managed GB Set)
Junction density P2
Phase 2 data: The number of three-or-more way intersections falling inside of the 800-metre street network buffers divided by the area of the buffer (km2): Data Source 2016 OS MasterMap Integrated Transport Network Layer
Land use mix P2
Phase 2 data: The Shannon Entropy Index: A measure of how mixed land uses most relevant for PA are in a neighbourhood (Range: 0 to 1; 1= most mixed; 0=least mixed) LUM=(-1) Sk(pklnpk)/ln N p is the proportion of land area devoted to the specific land use (k) in each buffer divided by lnN N is the number of land uses under consideration. In this case N=5 (i.e. residential; commercial; institutional/governmental; recreational and mixed areas) The proportions (pk) were calculated as the land area devoted to a specific land use divided by the total area of walkable land uses in each buffer. Note: LUM=0 (i.e.; no mix) if none or only one of the relevant land uses fell into the buffer. Data Source: OS MasterMap Topography Layer Data (December 2016) AddressBase Premium Data (OS Managed GB Set)
Overall neighbourhood physical activity environment (PAE) index P2
Phase 2 data: The sum of z-scores of junction density; the LUM entropy score; and population density variables. A higher score = higher walkability based on these three metrics
Percentage of green space/park area P2
Phase 2 data: Percentage of area in neighbourhood buffer covered by green spaces/parks %: Data Source OS MasterMap Topography Layer Data (December 2016) AddressBase Premium Data (OS Managed GB Set)
Population density P2
Phase 2 data: The number of usual residents in a postcode area divided by the area (km2) of that specific postcode area. Data Source: Office for National Statistics 2011 Census