VarGroup Info
Variable Group Information
Fenland | Release 10
RPAQ_Raw (All raw (uncleaned data) variables as present on Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire) 168
Active computer games hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Active computer games. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use ActiveComputerHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Active computer games min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Active computer games. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use ActiveComputerMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Active computer games
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Active computer games. PAPER FORMS ONLY: Data entered using data entry template with 1-3-4-5-6-7-8 codes. 1 = none; 3 = once in last 4 wks; 4 = 2-3 times in last 4 wks; 5 = once a week; 6 = 2-3 times a wk; 7 = 4-5 times a week; 8 = every day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than 1 selected; ELECTRONIC FORMS: 1 = None; 2 = once in last 4 wks; 3 = 2-3 times in last 4 wks; 4 = once a week; 5 = 2-3 times a week; 6 = 4-5 times a week; 7 = every day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than one selected; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use ActiveComputer_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other activity 1 hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other activity 1. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Act_Other1Hr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other activity 1 min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other activity 1. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Act_Other1Min_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Name of other acitivity
Phase 2 data. Name of Other activity 1. -1 = left blank;
Other activity 1
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. You should try and classify all the activities you do in the list above. If however you do activities which have no similarity with any of those listed above please mention here. Other activity 1. PAPER FORMS ONLY: Data entered using data entry template with 1-3-4-5-6-7-8 codes. 1 = none; 3 = once in last 4 wks; 4 = 2-3 times in last 4 wks; 5 = once a week; 6 = 2-3 times a wk; 7 = 4-5 times a week; 8 = every day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than 1 selected; ELECTRONIC FORMS: 2 = once in last 4 wks; 3 = 2-3 times in last 4 wks; 4 = once a week; 5 = 2-3 times a week; 6 = 4-5 times a week; 7 = every day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than one selected; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Act_Other1_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other activity 2 hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other activity 2. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Act_Other2Hr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other activity 2 min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other activity 2. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Act_Other2Min_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Name of other acitivity
Phase 2 data. Name of Other activity 2. -1 = left blank;
Other activity 2
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. You should try and classify all the activities you do in the list above. If however you do activities which have no similarity with any of those listed above please mention here. Other activity 2. PAPER FORMS ONLY: Data entered using data entry template with 1-3-4-5-6-7-8 codes. 1 = none; 3 = once in last 4 wks; 4 = 2-3 times in last 4 wks; 5 = once a week; 6 = 2-3 times a wk; 7 = 4-5 times a week; 8 = every day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than 1 selected; ELECTRONIC FORMS: 2 = once in last 4 wks; 3 = 2-3 times in last 4 wks; 4 = once a week; 5 = 2-3 times a week; 6 = 4-5 times a week; 7 = every day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than one selected; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Act_Other2_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other Sports
Phase 2 data. Asked on electronic form only. Hence where left blank data could still exist for Act_Other1Text_P2 and Act_Other2Text_P2 as it has come from the paper questionnaire. 1 = yes; 2 = no; blank or = data not collected so instead use Act_Other1Text_P2 and Act_Other2Text_P2;
High impact or step aerobics hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. High impact or step aerobics. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use AerobicsHighHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
High impact or step aerobics min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. High impact or step aerobics. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use AerobicsHighMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
High impact or step aerobics
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. High impact or step aerobics. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use AerobicsHigh_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other types of aerobics hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other types of aerobics. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use aerobicsOtherHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other types of aerobics min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other types of aerobics. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use aerobicsOtherMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other types of aerobics
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other types of aerobics. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use aerobicsOther_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Backpacking Mountain Climbing hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Backpacking Or Mountain Climbing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use BackPackMountainClimbHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Backpacking Mountain Climbing min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Backpacking Or Mountain Climbing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use BackPackMountainClimbMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Backpacking or Mountain Climbing
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Backpacking Or Mountain Climbing. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use BackPackMountainClimb_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Bowling hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Avg duration of bowling (indoor lawn or 10-pin). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use bowlingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Bowling min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Avg duration of bowling (indoor lawn or 10-pin). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use bowlingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks.Bowling. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use bowling_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Combat sports hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Combat sports (martial arts boxing or wrestling). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use CombatsSportsHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Combat sports min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Combat sports (martial arts boxing or wrestling). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use CombatsSportsMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Combat sports
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Martial arts boxing or wrestling. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use CombatsSports_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Competitive Running hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Competitive Running. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use compRunHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Competitive Running min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Competitive Running. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use compRunMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Competitive Running
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Competitive Running. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use compRun_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Hrs homecomputer use wkday post 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D3. Computer use at home but not at work (eg internet email playstation Xbox Gameboy and Wii; non-active games only). Hours of home computer use per day on a weekday after 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. Data not quite the same as phase 1 data for Computerweekdaypost6pm. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Computerweekdaypost6pmDiff_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Hrs home computer use wkday pre 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D3. Computer use at home but not at work (eg internet email playstation Xbox Gameboy and Wii; non-active games only). Hours of home computer use per day on a weekday before 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. Data not quite the same as phase 1 data for Computerweekdaypre6pm. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Computerweekdaypre6pmDiff_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Hrs homecomputer use wknday post6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D3. Computer use at home but not at work (eg internet email playstation Xbox Gameboy and Wii; non-active games only). Hours of home computer use on a weekend after 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. Data not quite the same as phase 1 data for Computerweekendpost6pm. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Computerweekendpost6pmDiff_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Hrs homecomputer use wknday pre 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D3. Computer use at home but not at work (eg internet email playstation Xbox Gameboy and Wii; non-active games only). Hours of home computer use per day on a weekend before 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. Data not quite the same as phase 1 data for Computerweekendpre6pm. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Computerweekendpre6pmDiff_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Conditioning Exercises hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Conditioning Exercises (eg using a bike or rowing machine). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use conditionExerciseHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Conditioning Exercises min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Conditioning Exercises (eg using a bike or rowing machine). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use conditionExerciseMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Conditioning Exercises
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Conditioning Exercises (eg using a bike or rowing machine). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use conditionExercise_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Cricket hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Cricket. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cricketHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Cricket min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Cricket. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cricketMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Cricket. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cricket_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Cycling for Pleasure hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Cycling For Pleasure (not as a means of transport). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cyclePleasureHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Cycling for Pleasure min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Cycling For Pleasure (not as a means of transport). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cyclePleasureMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Cycling for Pleasure
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Cycling For Pleasure (not as a means of transport). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cyclePleasure_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Racing or Rough Terrain Cycling hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Racing Or Rough Terrain Cycling. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cyclingRacingRoughHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Racing or Rough Terrain Cycling min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Racing Or Rough Terrain Cycling. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cyclingRacingRoughMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Racing or Rough Terrain Cycling
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Racing Or Rough Terrain Cycling. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use cyclingRacingRough_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Dancing hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Dancing (eg ballroom or disco). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use dancingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Dancing min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Dancing (eg ballroom or disco). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use dancingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Dancing (eg ballroom or disco). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use dancing_CLEAN_P2 instead.
DIY hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. DIY (eg carpentry home or car maintenance). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use dIYHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
DIY min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. DIY (eg carpentry home or car maintenance). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use dIYMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. DIY (eg carpentry home or car maintenance). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use dIY_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data.
Exercise With Weights hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Exercise With Weights. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use exerciseWeightsHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Exercise With Weights min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Exercise With Weights. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use exerciseWeightsMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Exercise With Weights
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Exercise With Weights. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use exerciseWeights_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Floor Exercises hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Floor Exercises(eg stretching bending keep fit or yoga). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use floorExerciseHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Floor Exercises min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Floor Exercises(eg stretching bending keep fit or yoga). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use floorExerciseMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Floor Exercises
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Floor Exercises(eg stretching bending keep fit or yoga). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use floorExercise_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Football Rugby or Hockey hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Football Rugby Or Hockey. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use footballRugbyHockeyHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Football Rugby or Hockey mins
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Football Rugby Or Hockey. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use footballRugbyHockeyMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Football Rugby or Hockey
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Football Rugby Or Hockey. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use footballRugbyHockey_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Mode of transport
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D1. Getting about. Which form of transport have you used MOST OFTEN in the last 4 weeks apart from your journey to and from work. Please tick one box only. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Gettingabout_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = car - motor vehicle; 2 = walking; 3 = public transport; 4 = cycling;
Golf hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Golf. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use golfHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Golf min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Golf. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use golfMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Golf. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use golf_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Heavy gardening hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Digging shovelling or chopping wood. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HeavyGardeningHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Heavy gardening min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Digging shovelling or chopping wood. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HeavyGardeningMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Heavy gardening
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Digging shovelling or chopping wood. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HeavyGardening_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Home postcode
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D12. What is the postcode for your home address? Data as entered by the participant. -1 = left blank
Horse riding hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Horse riding. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HorseBasedHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Horse riding min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Horse riding. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HorseBasedMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Horse riding
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Horse riding. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HorseBased_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Hunting Shooting Fishing hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Fishing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HuntingShootingFishingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Hunting Shooting Fishing min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Fishing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HuntingShootingFishingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Hunting Shooting Fishing
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Fishing. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use HuntingShootingFishing_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Ice or roller skating hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Ice-Skating. -1 = left blank.DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use iceSkatingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Ice or roller skating min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Ice-Skating. -1 = left blank.DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use iceSkatingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Ice or roller skating
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Ice or roller skating. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use iceSkating_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Jogging hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Jogging. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use jogHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Jogging min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Jogging. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use jogMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Jogging. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use jog_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Hrs Media viewed weekday post 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D2. TV; DVD or video viewing. Hours of TV DVD or video watched per day on a weekday after 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Mediaweekdaypost6pm_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Hrs Media viewed weekday pre 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D2. TV; DVD or video viewing. Hours of TV DVD or video watched per day on a weekday before 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Mediaweekdaypre6pm_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Hrs Media viewed weekend post 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D2. TV; DVD or video viewing. Hours of TV DVD or video watched per day on a weekend after 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Mediaweekendpost6pm_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Hrs Media viewed weekend pre 6pm
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D2. TV; DVD or video viewing. Hours of TV DVD or video watched per day on a weekend before 6 pm. Average over the last 4 weeks. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Mediaweekendpre6pm_CLEAN_P2 instead. 1 = none; 2 = less than 1 hr a day; 3 = 1 to 2 hrs a day; 4 = 2 to 3 hrs a day; 5 = 3 to 4 hrs a day; 6 = more than 4 hrs a day;
Mowing hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Mowing the lawn. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use mowingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Mowing min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Mowing the lawn. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use mowingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Mowing the lawn. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use mowing_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Musical instrument playing hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Musical Instrument Playing Or Singing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use musicalInstrumentSingingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Musical instrument playing min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Musical Instrument Playing Or Singing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use musicalInstrumentSingingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Musical instrument playing
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Musical instrument playing or singing. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use musicalInstrumentSinging_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Netball volleyball basketball hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Netball Volleyball Or Basketball. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use netVolleyBasketBallHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Netball volleyball basketball min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Netball Volleyball Or Basketball. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use netVolleyBasketBallMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Netball volleyball basketball
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Netball volleyball or basketball. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use netVolleyBasketBall_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other household activities hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other household activities (eg hoovering). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use OtherHouseholdHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other household activities min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other household activities (eg hoovering). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use OtherHouseholdMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Other household activities
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Other household activities (eg hoovering). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use OtherHousehold_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Employment in the last 4 weeks
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D5. Have you been in employment in the last 4 weeks? DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Paidemployment_P2 instead. 1 = no; 2 = yes;
Rowing hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Rowing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use rowingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Rowing min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Rowing. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use rowingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Rowing. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use rowing_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data.
Sailing wind-surfing or boating hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Sailing Wind-Surfing Or Boating. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use sailingWindsurfBoatingHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Sailing wind-surfing or boating min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Sailing Wind-Surfing Or Boating. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use sailingWindsurfBoatingMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Sailing wind-surfing or boating
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Sailing wind-surfing or boating. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use sailingWindsurfBoating_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Skiing or snowboarding hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Skiing Or snowboarding. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use SkiHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Skiing or snowboarding min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Skiing Or Snowboarding. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use SkiMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Skiing or snowboarding
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Skiing or snowboarding. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Ski_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Snooker billiards or darts hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Snooker Billiards Or Darts. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use snookerBillardsDartsHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Snooker billiards or darts min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Snooker Billiards Or Darts. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use snookerBillardsDartsMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Snooker billiards or darts
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Snooker billiards or darts. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use snookerBillardsDarts_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Squash hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Squash. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use squashHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Squash min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Squash. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use squashMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Squash. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use squash_CLEAN_P2 instead.
No times stairs climbed home wkday
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D4. Stair climbing at home. Number of times you climbed up a flight of stairs (approx 10 steps) each day at home on a weekday. Average over the last 4 weeks. 1 = none; 2 = 1 to 5 times a day; 3 = 6 to 10 times a day; 4 = 11 to 15 times a day; 5 = 16 to 20 times a day; 6 = more than 20 times a day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than one selected;
No times stairs climbed home wknday
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D4. Stair climbing at home. Number of times you climbed up a flight of stairs (approx 10 steps) each day at home on a weekend day. Average over the last 4 weeks. 1 = none; 2 = 1 to 5 times a day; 3 = 6 to 10 times a day; 4 = 11 to 15 times a day; 5 = 16 to 20 times a day; 6 = more than 20 times a day; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than one selected;
Swimming competitive hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Swimming - Competitive. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use swimCompHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Swimming competitive min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Swimming - Competitive. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use swimCompMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Swimming competitive
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Swimming - Competitive. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use swimComp_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Swimming leisure hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Swimming - leisure. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use swimLeisHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Swimming leisure min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Swimming - leisure. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use swimLeisMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Swimming leisure
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Swimming - leisure. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use swimLeis_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Table tennis hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Table Tennis. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use tableTennisHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Table tennis min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Table Tennis. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use tableTennisMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Table tennis
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks. Table tennis. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use tableTennis_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Tennis or badminton hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Tennis Or Badminton. -1 = left blank. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use tennisBadmintonHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Tennis or badminton min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Tennis Or Badminton. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use tennisBadmintonMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Tennis or badminton
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D14. Please indicate how often (total number of times) you did the activity on average over the last 4 weeks.Tennis or badminton. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use tennisBadminton_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Walking for pleasure hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Walking for pleasure (not as a means of transport). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use walkPleasureHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Walking for pleasure min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Walking for pleasure (not as a means of transport). -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use walkPleasureMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Walking for pleasure
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Walking for pleasure (not as a means of transport). DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use walkPleasure_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Watering the lawn or garden hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Watering the lawn or garden. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use waterLawnHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Watering the lawn or garden min
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Watering the lawn or garden. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use waterLawnMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Watering the lawn or garden
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Watering the lawn or garden. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use waterLawn_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Weeding or Pruning hrs
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Weeding or Pruning. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use weedPruneHr_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Weeding or Pruning min
Phase 2 data. Please indicate the average length of time (in additional minutes) you spent doing the activity per episode. Weeding or Pruning. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use weedPruneMin_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Weeding or Pruning
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D13. Please indicate the average length of time (in hours) you spent doing the activity per episode. Weeding or Pruning. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use weedPrune_CLEAN_P2 instead.
No Wk days worked in a typical wk
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads Think about a typical week in the last 4 weeks. Enter how many days a week you worked on a week and a weekend day. Number of WEEK days worked In a typical week. ELECTRONIC F0RM ONLY additional instructions: please enter 0 if not worked.
No Wkn days worked in a typical wk
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads Think about a typical week in the last 4 weeks. Enter how many days a week you worked on a week and a weekend day. Number of WEEKEND days worked In a typical week. ELECTRONIC F0RM ONLY additional instructions: please enter 0 if not worked.
Hrs worked excluding travel 1 wk
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 1 week ago. -1 = left blank
Extra min worked excluding travel
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many extra minutes work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 1 week ago. -1 = left blank
Reason hrs not worked 1 week ago
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week? If 0 hours were worked 1 week ago record reason why. Merged data from PAPER and ELECTRONIC FORMS. 1 = Holiday; 3 = Other;
Work hrs excluding travel 1 week
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours did you work per week? Work hours (excluding travel) 1 week ago. Free text variable only collected on paper Questionnaire. Answer should be in total number of hours that week. Added -9 to electronic records to indicate data not collected
Hrs worked excluding travel 2 wks
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 2 weeks ago. -1 = left blank
Extra min worked excluding travel
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many extra minutes work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 2 weeks ago. -1 = left blank
Reason hrs not worked 2 week ago
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week? If 0 hours were worked 2 week ago record reason why. Merged data from PAPER and ELECTRONIC FORMS. 1 = Holiday; 3 = Other;
Work hrs excluding travel 2 weeks
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours did you work per week? Work hours (excluding travel) 2 weeks ago. Free text variable only collected on paper Questionnaire. Answer should be in total number of hours that week. Added -9 to electronic records to indicate data not collected
Hrs worked excluding travel 3 wks
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 3 weeks ago. -1 = left blank
Extra min worked excluding travel
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many extra minutes work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 3 weeks ago. -1 = left blank
Reason hrs not worked 3 week ago
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week? If 0 hours were worked 3 week ago record reason why. Merged data from PAPER and ELECTRONIC FORMS. 1 = Holiday; 3 = Other;
Work hrs excluding travel 3 weeks
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours did you work per week? Work hours (excluding travel) 3 weeks ago. Free text variable only collected on paper Questionnaire. Answer should be in total number of hours that week. Added -9 to electronic records to indicate data not collected
Hrs worked excluding travel 4 wks
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 4 weeks ago. -1 = left blank
Extra min worked excluding travel
Phase 2 data. ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY: Please answer this section only if you have been in paid employment at any time during the last 4 weeks or you have done regular organised voluntary work. During the last 4 weeks how many extra minutes work did you do per week (excluding travel)? 4 weeks ago. -1 = left blank
Reason hrs not worked 4 week ago
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours work did you do per week? If 0 hours were worked 4 week ago record reason why. Merged data from PAPER and ELECTRONIC FORMS. 1 = Holiday; 3 = Other;
Work hrs excluding travel 4 weeks
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D6. During the last 4 weeks how many hours did you work per week? Work hours (excluding travel) 4 weeks ago. Free text variable only collected on paper Questionnaire. Answer should be in total number of hours that week. Added -9 to electronic records to indicate data not collected
Work address
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D11. If work postcode not known please give your work address. Data as entered by participant. -1 = left blank
Work Postcode
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D11. What is the postcode for your main place of work during the last 4 weeks? Data as entered by participant. -1 = left blank
Type and amount of PA in work
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D7. We would like to know the type and amount of physical activity involved in your work. Please tick the one option that best corresponds with your occupation(s) in the last 4 weeks. SEDENTARY: you spend most of your time sitting such as in an office. STANDING occupation: You spend most of your time standing or walking however your work does not require intense physical effort eg shop assistant hairdresser guard. MANUAL work: This involves some physical effort including handling of heavy objects and use of tools eg plumber electrician carpenter. HEAVY MANUAL work: This implies very vigorous activity including handling of very heavy objects eg dock worker miner bricklayer construction worker. 1 = sedentary; 2 = standing; 3 = manual work; 4 = heavy manual work; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Worktype_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Travel to work by bicycle
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D10. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. How did you normally travel to work? By Bicycle; 1 = always; 2 = usually; 3 = occasionally; 4 = never or rarely; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrkbybicycle_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Travel to work by car
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D10. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. How did you normally travel to work? By Car; 1 = always; 2 = usually; 3 = occasionally; 4 = never or rarely; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrkbycar_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Travel to work walking
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D10. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. How did you normally travel to work? Walking; 1 = always; 2 = usually; 3 = occasionally; 4 = never or rarely; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrkbyfoot_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Travel to work by public transport
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D10. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. How did you normally travel to work? By works or Public transport; 1 = always; 2 = usually; 3 = occasionally; 4 = never or rarely; DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrkbypubtran_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Work from home
Phase 2 data. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. What is the approximate distance from your home to your work? COLLECTED ON PAPER Q ONLY: If work from home tick here and enter 0 for distance. 1 = ticked; -1 = left blank;
Approx distance home to work kms
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D8. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. What is the approximate distance from your home to your work? In kilometres. Data as entered by participant. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrkkms_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Km (Kilometers)
Approx distance home to work miles
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D8. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. What is the approximate distance from your home to your work? In miles. Data as entered by participant. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrkmiles_CLEAN_P2 instead.
Work from multiple locations
Phase 2 data. Derived by using data from WrkMultipleLocations_p_P2; WrkMultipleLocations_e_P2 and WrkFromHome_P2. Refer to Wrkmiles_P2 and Wrkkms_P2 if needed. 1 = works from home; 2 = works from multiple location; -1 = not answered left blank; -10 = estimated average distance from home to work (unit unknown);
Times per wk travel home to work
Phase 2 data. Questionnaire reads D9. Travel to and from work in the last 4 weeks. How many times per week did you travel from home to your main place of work? Count outward journeys only. -1 = left blank. DO NOT USE THIS VARIABLE. Use Wrktimesperweek_CLEAN_P2 instead.