3FEQ (All variables related to Three factor eating questionnaire as completed by participant.) 57
Feeling lonely console by eating
Phase 2 data. When I feel lonely; I console myself by eating. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_10lonelyconsoleeating_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_10lonelyconsoleeating_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). When I feel lonely; I console myself by eating. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Hold back on eating control weight
Phase 2 data. I consciously hold back at meals in order not to weight gain. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_11holdbackatmeals
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_11holdbackatmeals_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).I consciously hold back at meals in order not to weight gain. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Do not eat some food make me fat
Phase 2 data. I do not eat some foods because they make me fat. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQfeq_12foodmakemefat_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQfeq_12foodmakemefat_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).I do not eat some foods because they make me fat. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Always hungry to eat any time
Phase 2 data. I am always hungry enough to eat at any time. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_13hungryeatanytime_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_13hungryeatanytime_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).I am always hungry enough to eat at any time. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Often feel hungry frequency
Phase 2 data. How often do you feel hungry? 1 = Only at meal times; 2 = Sometimes between meals; 3 = Often between meals; 4 = Almost always;
Derived from 3FEQ_14oftenfeelhungry_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived from item 3FEQ_14oftenfeelhungry_P2 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). Note all scores were left the same apart from -1 scores which were removed. How often do you feel hungry? Please note that rarely and never have been recoded as 1. 1 = Only at meal times; 2 = Sometimes between meals; 3 = Often between meals; 4 = Almost always; -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Avoid stocking up on tempting foods
Phase 2 data. How frequently do you avoid stocking up on tempting foods? 1 = Almost never; 2 = Seldom; 3 = Usually; 4 = Almost always;
Derived from 3FEQ_15stockinguptemptingfoods_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived from item 3FEQ_15stockinguptemptingfoods_P2 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). Note all scores were left the same apart from -1 scores which were removed. How frequently do you avoid stocking upĀ® on tempting foods? 1 = Almost never; 2 = Seldom; 3 = Usually; 4 = Almost always; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Consciously eat less food
Phase 2 data. How likely are you to consciously eat less than you want? 1 = Unlikely; 2 = Slightly likely; 3 = Moderately likely; 4 = Very likely;
Derived from 3FEQ_16consciouslyeatless_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived from item 3FEQ_16consciouslyeatless_P2 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). Note all scores were left the same apart from -1 scores which were removed. 1 = Unlikely; 2 = Slightly likely; 3 = Moderately likely; 4 = Very likely; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Binge eating
Phase 2 data. Do you go on eating binges though you are not hungry? 1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = At least once a week;
Derived from 3FEQ_17eatingbingeswhennothungry_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived from item 3FEQ_17eatingbingeswhennothungry_P2 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). Note all scores were left the same apart from -1 scores which were removed. Do you go on eating binges though you are not hungry? 1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = At least once a week; -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Scale of restraint on eating
Phase 2 data. On a scale of 1 to 8 where 1 means no restraint in eating (eating whatever you want whenever you want it) and 8 means total restraint (constantly limiting food intake and never giving in); what number would you give yourself? 1 = 1 (no restraint in eating ie eating whatever you want and whenever you want it); 2 = 2; 3 = 34 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6; 7 = 7; 8 = 8 (total restraint ie constantly limiting food and never giving in);
Re-scored item 3FEQ_ 18scaleofrestraint_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_ 18scaleofrestraint_P2; score of 1 or 2 as 1; 3 or 4 as 2; 5 or 6 as 3 and 7 or 8 as 4 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). On a scale of 1 to 4 with regards to restraint in eating what number would you give yourself? Where 1 means no restraint in eating and 4 means total restraint. 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; -9 = questionnaire not completed; -1 = missing data (this also includes answers which were not consecutive);
Smell of meat makes eating more
Phase 2 data. When I smell a sizzling steak or juicy piece of meat I find it very difficult to keep from eating even if I have just finished a meal. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = definitely false; -1 = left blank; -5 = more than one selected; -10 = does not fit with any other instruction;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_1smellofmeat_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_1smellofmeat_P2 score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810). When I smell a sizzling steak or juicy piece of meat I find it very difficult to keep from eating even if I have just finished a meal. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Small helpings to control weight
Phase 2 data. I deliberately take small helpings as a means of controlling my weight. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_2smallhelpings_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_2smallhelpings_P2 score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).I deliberately take small helpings as a means of controlling my weight. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Eating when anxious
Phase 2 data. When I feel anxious; I find myself eating. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_3anxiousandeating_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_3anxiousandeating_P2 score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).When I feel anxious I find myself eating. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Cant stop eating
Phase 2 data. Sometimes when I start eating; I just can't seem to stop. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_4startedeatingcantstop_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_4startedeatingcantstop_P2 score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).Sometimes when I start eating I just cannot seem to stop. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
When with someone eat more
Phase 2 data. Being with someone who is eating often makes me hungry enough to eat also. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_5withsomeoneeating_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_5withsomeoneeating_P2 score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).Being with someone who is eating often makes me hungry enough to eat also. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Overeat when feeling down
Phase 2 data. When I feel blue; I often overeat. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_6blueandovereating_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_6blueandovereating_P2 score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).When I feel blue I often overeat. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Delicacy eat right away
Phase 2 data. When I see a real delicacy; I often get so hungry that I have to eat right away. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_7delicacyandeatingrightaway_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_7delicacyandeatingrightaway_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).When I see a real delicacy I often get so hungry that I have to eat right away. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Hungry bottomless pit
Phase 2 data. I get so hungry that my stomach often seems like a bottomless pit. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_8hungrybottomlesspit_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_8hungrybottomlesspit_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).I get so hungry that my stomach often seems like a bottomless pit. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Hunger stops finish food on plate
Phase 2 data. I am always hungry so it is hard for me to stop eating before I finish the food on my plate. 1 = Definitely true; 2 = Mostly true; 3 = Mostly false; 4 = Definitely false;
Re-scored item 3FEQ_9finishfoodonplate_P2
Phase 2 data. Derived by re-scoring item 3FEQ_9finishfoodonplate_P2; score of 1 as 4; 2 as 3; 3 as 2 and 4 as 1 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).I am always hungry so it is hard for me to stop eating before I finish the food on my plate. 1 = Definitely false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Mostly true; 4 = Definitely true (a decimal value was allowed for answers with a range); -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Date finished to fill in e3FEQ qnr
Phase 2 data. Date the participant finished filling in the Electronic Online 3FEQ questionnaire.
Date started to fill in e3FEQ qnr
Phase 2 data. Date the participant started to fill in the Electronic Online 3FEQ questionnaire.
Phase 2 data. Data status variable to log user progress. Has the volunteer started filling in the eForm? 0 = no; 1 = yes;
Phase 2 data. Data status variable to log user progress. Has the volunteer finished filling in the eForm? 0 = no; 1 = yes;
e3FEQ questionnaire participant ID
Phase 2 data. Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire-specicifc participant ID number.
e3FEQ questionnaire ID number
Phase 2 data. Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire ID number for version control.
e3FEQ questionnaire ID name
Phase 2 data. Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire ID name for version control.
Study phase e3FEQ questionnaire
Phase 2 data. Study phase the Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire was used for.
Time finished to fill in e3FEQ qnr
Phase 2 data. Time the participant finished filling in the Electronic Online3FEQ questionnaire.
Time started to fill in e3FEQ qnr
Phase 2 data. Time the participant started to fill in the Electronic Online 3FEQ questionnaire.
Phase 2 data. Please enter your 3-digit pin (on electronic form).
e3FEQ questionnaire version date
Phase 2 data. Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire version date for version control.
e3FEQ questionnaire version no
Phase 2 data. Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire version number for version control.
e3FEQ qnr web form version no
Phase 2 data. Electronic 3FEQ questionnaire web form version number for version control.
Score for emotional eating
Phase 2 data. Score for Emotional Eating subscale of 3FEQ_EmotionalRAW_P2 on a scale of 0-100 (raw score - lowest possible raw score)/possible raw score range) * 100 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).Derived by calculating ((3FEQ_EmotionalRAW-3)/9)*100. -1 = missing data; number = score; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Score for restrained eating
Phase 2 data. Score for Restrained Eating subscale of 3FEQ_RestraintRAW_P2 on a scale of 0-100 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).Derived by calculating (raw score - lowest possible raw score)/possible raw score range) * 100 ((3FEQ_RestraintRAW-6)/18)*100. -1 = missing data; -9 = questionnaire not completed;
Score for uncontrolled eating
Phase 2 data. Score for Uncontrolled Eating subscale of 3FEQ_UncontrolledRAW on a scale of 0-100 (raw score - lowest possible raw score)/possible raw score range) * 100 (assessed and cleaned only in the subset n = 4810).Derived by calculating ((3FEQ_UncontrolledRAW-9)/27)*100. -1 = missing data; number = score; -9 = questionnaire not completed;